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It was midnight, everyone had fallen asleep by now, everyone but Lucinda.

Although Lucinda had fallen asleep earlier, she woke up a few hours later and couldn't fall back asleep.

"Irene! This whole damn trip has been exhausting and I can't even get some shut eye." Lucinda muttered to herself, tossing and turning in bed. "Ugh I just wanna fall asleep!" She said aloud, getting up and out of bed. "Maybe some nice hot tea might help me..."

Lucinda exited her room and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. She grabbed a pot from one of the cabinets, brought it to the sink and filled it with water. She turned on the stove and set the pot on it, then grabbed a mug and a small box of tea from one of the cabinets and pulled a packet out for herself. She set everything down on the counter as she waited for the water to come to a boil.

"Geez, this place is way creepier at night....but hey, it's not like there's actually anything out of the ordinary in this boring old town." Lucinda thought to herself, looking around the kitchen. "I hope this tea will help me go to sleep, I'm tired and want nothing more than to go to bed, but...I don't know something kinda felt weird up there when I was in bed, the atmosphere felt almost kinda...I don't know, like static? I guess that would be the best way to describe it. But I don't feel that anymore down here....perhaps I'm just thinking things." Lucinda checked on the pot, the water still wasn't quite ready yet. "Just a few more minutes and I can go back to my room..." She looked out the window, and gazed at what little she could see in the dark. "Gosh it looks like it's freezing outside, how have the residents of this town not frozen to death by now?" She looked away, but then quickly looked back. "Funny, I thought I saw something move just now. I'm probably just seeing things. I can barely make anything out from here anyway." She looked back to the pot, still not ready. "I hope Kim is okay. I haven't been able to get her to say anything about her strange behaviour, but I'm getting to know more about her now, that's for sure." The water had finally come to a boil.

She poured the water into her mug, and dipped a tea packet into it, she grabbed a spoon to stir it. She left the kitchen and proceeded to walk back to her room. On the way to her room, she heard something odd.

"Huh? Is that...whispering? But where is it coming from?" Lucinda mumbled, stopping by the entrance of the corridor. She followed the whispers as they got louder.

"I don't know..." a voice trailed off.
"Is that...?" Lucinda thought to herself, passing each room.

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"That doesn't sound like...." the voice trailed off once more.
"Garroth...?" Lucinda thought to herself in confusion. "Who could he possibly be talking to at this hour? Zane? Aphmau?"

115. Garroth's room.

"It's it's not like that..." Garroth could be heard, right from outside his room door.
"Who's he talking to? I can hear his voice, but I can't hear anyone else in the room..." Lucinda thought, stopping at his door. "I'll just...check on him."
"But what if-" just as Lucinda put her hand on the doorknob, Garroth's voice was cut off.
"Huh? He stopped talking..." Lucinda uttered, hesitating to open the door.

Lucinda struggled to open the door, as it seemed to be slightly jammed, but she pushed through nonetheless. She opened the door to see Garroth in bed, reading a book.

"Hey Garroth, are you alright? I thought I heard you talking,and I wanted to be sure everything was fine..." Lucinda asked quietly, staying in her place, holding the door open.
"I'm....fine. I couldn't sleep, so I figured reading something might help, but I haven't been able to put this book down since I started reading it! Kinda the opposite effect than...what I was hoping for..." Garroth giggled nervously, holding his book close to him.
"I see..." Lucinda muttered, slightly doubtful of Garroth's explanation. "Then again, it is Garroth..." She thought, before returning to the conversation. "I haven't been able to sleep either. But do try to get some sleep okay? We're going to be busy for a little while longer."
"Yeah....sure. Don't worry about it." Garroth muttered, placing the book beside him.
"Alright then. Goodnight." Lucinda said quietly, closing the door and walking back to her room.

Lucinda went back to bed and snuggled into her blankets. She took a sip of her tea, it had cooled down enough to drink.

"I should try to fall asleep, hopefully this tea helps me get over this...weird, static feeling." She mumbled to herself. "That book Garroth was reading did look...awfully strange. Then again, it's from an old as hell library so....perhaps I'm just looking into things too much. This place does nothing but give me the creeps. I can't wait till this trip is over and we can all go back home..."

Lucinda finished her tea and fell back into bed. She was able to fall asleep, eventually.


It was five in the morning. Not many people were awake at this hour. Who would want to be? It's freezing and dark as pitch at this hour.

"Ugh why do we have to take in the stock so early?" Michi groaned, desperately trying to warm herself up.
"Because we have to get back to the store in time for opening!" Liochant reminded, carrying one of the crates sent to the liquor store and setting it inside his truck.
"No one even goes there!" Michi argued, throwing her hands up in the air.
"That's not true! We still have an average of about, 5 or 10 people a day. Besides we're getting paid we might as well be getting paid to do something." Liochant insisted.
"How is that liquor store even still open?"
"Well you see-"
"I changed my mind, Michi doesn't care."
"Oh alright then. Now c'mon help me get this last crate into the truck so we can go open."
"Okay..." Michi pouted, helping Liochant lift the crate into the truck.

Liochant and Michi went inside the truck and drove back to the liquor store. They took down the crates and left them in the back of the liquor store. They then entered the front of the store.

"Ah, what a beautiful morning!" Liochant sang, turning on the open sign.
"Yeah, sure..." Michi rolled her eyes, standing at her place at the register.
"Oh c'mon Michi lighten up!" Liochant insisted cheerily.

"I'll lighten up when the sun decides to lighten up this ghost town for once. Did the sun ever actually exist here once or is it a foreign concept to this place." Michi snorted. "Oh great, our first customer is that weird guy in the cloak." Michi groaned, looking out the store doors.
"He's not weird! He's a regular customer here! Besides you know his name, its-"

Liochant was interrupted by the jingle of the door opening.

"Hi! Welcome!" Liochant cheered, turning to greet the customer. "What can we do you for? The usual?"
"No, no...I need something else today..." the cloaked figure explained, grabbing an assortment of items.
"Wow that's uh...odd assortment of items you're buying there. What's it for?" Liochant commented, as Michi rung everything up.
"...Something I've been meaning to do for a while...." the cloaked figure responded quietly.

Once he finished paying, the cloaked man left the store without another word.

"Have a nice day!" Liochant shouted, waving the man goodbye.
"That guy will never not give me the creeps..." Michi muttered, looking at the man walk out of sight.
"He's not creepy!"
"Didn't you see what he was buying? That guy is totally going to murder somebody."
"No he's not! Sure a knife, a lot of rope, and a bunch of cloth is a weird assortment of items but hey! Maybe he does arts n' crafts!" Liochant argued.
"Nya~, whatever you say. Michi is staying away from him." Michi stated mockingly.

But that would be for better or worse.

The Secrets Of The BunnyHill Lodge (CANCELED)Where stories live. Discover now