Chapter 8

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Yagi Toshinori was looking forward to the entrance exam. This will be a good chance for him to see his future students. He's colleague was getting ready and some of them were busy in assembling the papers. Yagi noticed a particular caterpillar form beside the door. Since he started working in UA, he noticed how the underground hero avoided him. He didn't know if he did something wrong or he was just really disliked by the said pro hero.

"Okay everyone! Let's start!" Nedzu pushed the button to open the gates. Aizawa-sensei unzipped his sleeping bag and stood up.

The examinees started to destroyed the robots. There were so many great quirks being shown, but there's a particular boy who Yagi intently watched. He remembers his last conversation with the blonde boy when he offered him to be his successor.

"Don't look down on me, All Might! I will f**king surpass you without your f**king help! You'll see! That shitty Deku will realized how he wasted his life by playing hero! I WILL BE THE BEST HERO FOR BOTH OF US! AND I WILL DO IT WITHOUT YOUR STUPID QUIRK!"

For a strong headed kid, All Might can see the pain in he's eyes. Denial, grieve, anger and determination. And most of all, guilt. Bakugou shounen should never have these emotions if only he didn't hesitate to save the two students. If only, he was able to save Midoriya Izuku.

"I WILL SWEAR TO BE A NUMBER ONE HERO JUST LIKE I PROMISED HIM! SO KEEP YOUR F**KING QUIRK TO YOURSELF AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" Bakugou left the cemetery after that. All Might once again stared down to the grave of the boy who reminded him what real hero should be.

"Forgive me, Midoriya shounen. Forgive me," he muttered for how long, he didn't know. All he knows was that due to his weakness, the best successor he could have died before he could take back the last words he gave him.

His decision to offer the One for All to Bakugou shounen was due to the determination he can see to him. And also, because he thought the guilt will lessen even just a little.

Bakugou was doing well. He's right, he doesn't need the quirk to be a great hero. Yagi can see it now that this kid will reach farther than he could imagine. Although he's attitude was extreme, he's heart was in the right place.

Now, should he listen to Nedzu and meet the third-year student they were recommending to him?

Aizawa's attention was half on the exam and the other was on Izuku. Before All Might entered the room, he made sure to put the little boy inside his sleeping bag. He's not sure if it looks weird but he doesn't care. Good thing Hizashi was not there to make any comments if he noticed something.

Izuku was giggling the whole time. He seems find it fun to hide with Aizawa and it somehow pleased the hero. When the exam started, he needed to concentrate. Fortunately, Izuku's attention was on Nedzu. It might be because he's an animal, Izuku thought that he's a talking pet. (He didn't laugh when Izuku asked him the first time, nope, he didn't).

Everything was going well, until the time they released the Zero pointer. The two area was filled out with noises of teens running for their life. There were some who were unfazed and continued in destroying for the points.

Once again, Izuku caught Aizawa's eyes. The kid was staring at one particular monitor. When Aizawa looked at it, he saw a girl stuck on the road where the Zero pointer will walk on. Knowing Nedzu, he knew that he will take this opportunity to see if there'll be someone who will rescue the poor examinee. But Aizawa can see it clearly, everyone was too afraid to either notice or have courage to go back and help. He didn't say anything because Nedzu's calculation was reliable.

But then, Izuku was trembling. 'Shit. This is not the right time to get out of the room.' Aizawa tried to hold him but he was taken back when the boy's eyes started to glow.

"What the-" he whispered. Nedzu heard him and looked at him, "What wrong Aizawa-sensei?"

"Principal!" Cementoss exclaimed. He pointed to the one of the monitors. The robots were acting strange. They were breaking. And by the mean of breaking was literally. Some parts were detaching like someone was pulling it. And not only one or two robots, in fact, all the robots from two separate areas.

"What was happening?" Nedzu asked in urgent.

"We don't know. We're trying to find if there were any kids who can be the caused of it but there's no one who seems to have a quirk that can do- this." Power Loader stated while typing the program. Aizawa turned to see the Zero pointers and just like the others, its parts were detaching and falling apart, including the one nearby the stuck student.

He looked back to Izuku. He's eyes were still glowing. 'Was he causing this?'

All the examinees were confused, just like the teachers.

"What's happening?" Present Mic asked from the speaker.

"We don't know yet, just end the exam right now." Nedzu answered. Finally, Izuku's eyes stopped to glow and returned to normal. Then, to Aizawa's horror, he's disappearing.

"Aizawa-sensei, are you okay?" All Might asked him. Aizawa didn't answer. He just watched the kid fades away.

Someone was hurt. He needs to help. The big robot will hurt her. He needs to save her. Please. Please. Save her. Save her. Save. Save. Save.


Author's Note:

And there you have it. The Entrance Exam!

Basically, All Might still does not have a successor. But he will have SOON!

Hope for those who wanted to give the OFA to Kacchan wasn't disappointed that much. I just think that with his personality, he will not accept the offer.

Also, after the death of his childhood friend, I'm very sure it will give him a somehow wake up call. I actually hate him at first, but somehow, he's one of the character in BNHA who didn't change that much but you'll grow into him.

So... I wanted to give him a chance. :)

As for Spinel, the cat, aka Shoya, he has a big role on the story. Just wait and see.

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