Chapter 2

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I heard the sirens coming, and relief washed over me.

I'm not going to die.

A woman rushed over to me. She was wearing a blue uniform.

"Can you hear me?"

I nodded.

"Ok where do you hurt?"

"My head, and my shoulder." The words were hoarse in my mouth.

She nodded, and got out her first aid kit. She cleaned my head, and bandaged it.

"Can you move?" She asked gently.

I tried to get to her, and pain shot through my body.

"Yeah.." I gritted through my teeth. I have to be strong.

She helped me out of the car, and led me over to the ambulance. She sat me down, and her team put me in the ambulance.

"Wait there was another girl in there!" I yelled. Well, whispered, but I tried to yell.

The lady nodded, and shut the doors.

I felt the car starting to move, and I noticed people in the ambulance observing me.

As they were examining my head and shoulder, I couldn't help but think about Scarlet. If she was hurt, I would never be able to forgive myself.

"Sleep." The voice came from one of the paramedics.

Slowly shutting my eyes, the accident came rushing to my brain.

If she dies, it was my fault. I could have sped up, or dodged the car.

Tears sprang up in my eyes. It wasn't fair. She didn't deserve this. We didn't deserve this.

We just got to the school of our dreams. The school of pretty much everyone's dreams.

I'm hoping that our injuries won't prevent us from going to school. Well, I'm kind of hoping we don't have injuries, but that would be a miracle.

The voices danced around me, and somehow, I fell asleep.

I woke up to a light room, and a nurse was staring at me.

"We have contacted your parents. They are in the waiting room. Do you feel well enough for visitors?"

Confusion swirled in my brain.

"What's wrong with me? Why am I here?"

"Honey you have a concussion, and your shoulder was dislocated, so we had to pop it back in for you." Her words were so cheerful I almost didn't understand them.


She nodded.

"What about school? I just got there! It's really important that I go and-"

"Shh it will be ok. We talked to your parents and they called the school. If you want, I can bring them in here."

I gave her a slight nod, and she quickly left.

Not even a minute later, my mom burst through the door.

"Ruth! Sweetie, are you ok?!" She ran over to me, and gave me a gentle hug. My dad ran in next, and asked the same question.

"Yeah. My head feels better."

"You're on pain meds sweetie." My dad pointed out.

I gave him a small smile, and he gave me a goofy grin.

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