Chapter 19

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Our footsteps echoed through the halls, and I flinched at every sound we made.

"Well look who it is." A deep voice rumbled.

I trembled under the voice. I knew that voice. But it couldn't be him..

"Chris?" I whispered. Luke gave me a wary look, but I stepped closer to the dark. Closer to the voice.

He stepped into the faint light that was being projected by the dim torch.

"Hey Blue."

I stood up a little bit straighter, and a light blush lit up my cheeks. But then reality hit me.

"What are you doing here?" I shivered.

He came closer. "That doesn't matter."

I stepped back. "Yes it does Chris. How are you here? Why are you here?"

Chris grabbed my hand. I let him loosely hold it. "Don't freak out... Promise?"

Fear gripped my heart, but I nodded. Chris squeezed my hands, and opened his mouth.

Fangs slid out, and I jumped back. "Chris?!"

A frown slipped over his face, and I forced my self forward. I grabbed his shoulders.

"What did they do to you?"

He shook his head. "Nothing Ruth. Vampires aren't bad.."

I pulled my hands away. "They captured my friends Chris... And you-" My voice faded. "You are one of them."

A frown slid over Chris's face again. "Blue-"

Luke stepped between us. "Who are you?" He demanded.

Chris smirked. "I'm Chris. You can call me Christopher though." He told Luke while winking at me.

Luke snickered. "Well Christopher, do us a favor and get out of our way."

I gasped at Luke's harsh words. "Luke, he's a friend!"

Luke spun around on me. "He's a vampire Ruth! We shouldn't be talking to him! Why should we trust him?"

Chris stepped towards Luke. "I've known Ruth since middle school. We have been friends ever since."

Hurt pierced through my heart. "Until you left." I whispered.

Chris looked shocked, and turned his attention back to me. "Blue, I'm so sorry. I was captured, and brought back to this world."

I pondered this. "How long have you been a vampire?"

Chris paled..more than his natural pale skin already was. He ran a hand through his dark brown hair.

"Since I was born." He exhaled, and lookes at me to see what I would say.

I couldn't speak. He's been a vampire..ever since I knew him?

"So you have lied to her....ever since?" Jack spoke.

Chris eye's never left mine, but they softened. "I'm sorry Ruth."

Luke protectively grabbed my shoulder. "You should be. Now go."

I felt safe with him, and his hand on my shoulder made me feel confident...and happy. But..on the other hand-

You're like a sister to me.

That's what Luke told me. It's all I was to him. These gestures I could fawn at, weren't what I wanted.

I slowly shook off Luke's hand. I needed to show him I wasn't a little girl.

Chris glared at Luke, but motioned me in a direction. "Your friends are this way."

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