Chapter 11

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We came back to where everyone else was sleeping. Scarlet was still not awake, so I went down to the same spot I was in before. I leaned against a tree, and Luke sat next to me.

"We need to get more food and water." Luke mumbled.

I nodded, and noticed I wasn't hungry. But I didn't argue.

"I say we move closer to the waterfall, so we can have good drinking water."

"Luke, as much as I think that is a good idea, we need to gather the items needed to get back. We can't stay here."

He gave me a sigh. "I know.. But if we die, we can't collect them. We need resources."

"Ok. We will head to the waterfall, and stock up there. Since we brought our backpacks, we can put food in there. We also have some from yesterday."

We finally agreed, and waited for everyone to wake up. I sat away from Luke, trying not to be awakward, when I heard a branch in the distance snap, and a cry come out.

Luke and I glanced at each other. "It's not one of ours... We shouldn't go." Luke said cautiously. I nodded, but tried to see where it was coming from.

There was another cry, and Luke scooted closer to me. "Ruth don't go. We don't know what is over there."

I stood up, amd Luke grabbed my arm. "It could be a fish boy!! Or a-"

I pulled away from him, and held a finger to my lips. If someone was getting hurt, I couldn't stand by and listen.

I walked towards the direction of the cry, and heard Luke sigh. But I noticed he was following me.

The crying sound was louder, and eventually I saw the thing crying for help.

"Is that what I think it is?" Luke whispered.

'A fairy.'

Her hair was messy, and she was staring in horror at a short green.. Thing. It resembled the trolls I have seen in horror movies.

He was crawling towards her, and Luke seemed to jump out of his trance. "We need her hair." He muttered.

I glared at him. "We need to help her!" Before he could do anything, I jumped out in front of the troll thing.

"Stop!" I cried. They both stared at me awestruck.

"A human?" The goblin shouted. "Haven't seen your kind in awhile."

I stood there, completely unaware of what to do.

He took a step closer to me. "I am mighty hungry, so a snack won't hurt."

I took a step away from him, and Luke appeared in front of me. "I don't think so." He sneered.

The troll snickered. "Another human. I guess it's my lucky day." Luke kept a brave face, but when he quickly glanced to me, I realized he had no idea what to do.

The bad part was...neither did I.

Luna? Help!



I felt a surge of adrenaline rise, and I sprinted towards the troll. His pupils widened in shock, as I ran towards him. I stuck my hands out before me, and they collided with the troll's face. He fell to the ground, as if he was asleep.

Is he ok??

'He is alive still, if that is what you are worried about.'

I nodded with a breath of relief, and looked at the fairy. She was staring at Luke, but he paid no attention to her. I was still on the ground, and he ran over to me and helped me up.

"What happened? Are you ok? How were you that fast?"

"I'm fine. The guardian gave me those powers." I told him.

He smiled, and we walked towards the fairy. "That's amazing."

The fairy tore her gaze away from Luke, to look at me. "Under normal circumstances, I would take you home, and turn you into a flower for my garden."

"I can tell you appreciate we just saved your life." Luke snapped.

The fairy took a step towards Luke. "Not you dear. You can live, and be immortal with me." She laughed. "We would be the cutest couple in the area!"

Luke looked repulsed, and I found myself stepping closer to him. "No. That's not happening. Sorry." I said, trying to keep my voice calm and kind.

Her gaze burned at mine. "Why is that? You do not control him!" She shrieked. She turned to Luke. "Dear, you can choose which one of us you love." She gave me a glare. "The answer is obvious."

Luke tensed. "I.. I don't love either of you."

I winced. I didn't try to, but hearing him say that hurt more than I would like to think they did. It's not like I love him, but he said it without hesitance. Like, almost as if the idea was absurd.

Luke noticed, and stuttered. "Ruth, I just met you.. Uh.. You are really nice and all-"

I waved at him to stop. "Luke it's my hand. That's why I'm in pain."


Well it kind of hurts..

A blush ran to his cheeks. "Oh.. Yeah of course. Sorry."

I shrugged and returned my gaze to the fairy's.

She grabbed Luke's arm. "So you choose me?" She asked giddily.

He shot me an apologetic look, and said "I choose Ruth."

The fairy gaped at him. "You-You love her?!"

Slowly, Luke nodded.

Calm down Ruth.. It is just for show.

But telling myself that didn't stop my heart from beating so fast that I felt faint.

The fairy pouted. "No no no no! Why? Why her?"

Luke shrugged, and glanced around uncomfortably. "Well we better get going.."

The fairy yelled at him to stay. "You will tell me why you chose her!! I have never...ever..been rejected!!" She screeched. "At first you said you didn't love her, and now you do?!"

Luke ran a hand through his hair, and heaved out a breath of air. "I didn't want her to know about my feelings. The truth is, she is so sweet, and really smart. Two things that I admire a lot."

My heart was screaming, and my thoughts were scrambling around my head.

The fairy stood there with her mouth hanging open, and Luke plucked a hair from her head. "Have a nice day." He said sarcastically, and dragged my shocked self back to our camp.

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