Chapter 5

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As we reached the door, I saw the maid. Her eyes were brown, but full of sorrow when she saw me. She shook her head, and grabbed our coats. Just like last time, I helped her.

In the coat room, she avoided my gaze.

"You don't have to do this." I pleaded.

The maid looked at me, and grabbed my hands. "There is a way out of the other world. It's a potion. It requires you to collect 5 items: a hair from a were-wolf in wolf form, a strand of hair from a fairy,  a tooth from a vampire, a talon of a mermaid's tail, and a piece of the crown that belongs to the king who owns the land. Find these items and take them to a witch named Priscilla, and she will combine them into a potion for you all to drink. Beware, there are many things in the other world that aren't here."

"Like fairies, vampires, mermaids and werewolves?!" I sputtered. No way... No way this is true.

'Yep.. It is.'

No! It can't be...

'Keep in mind... You are talking to a fox..'

"Is there a time limit? Uh... Any person who is going to try and stop me?" I whimpered.

"No there is not a time limit... You can be there forever if you want. But everything that lives in the other world will try and stop you. Not just because of your quest, but because they want a snack."

"Is there any other way?" I asked.

The maid shook her head. "No. Now are you ready?"

Wait what?!

"Right now? Like... Leave and go to the other world?!"

She nodded, and tapped her long nails against the table.

I shook my head. "I'm... I'm not ready."

She sighed and looked at me with a scowl. "I waited two years, I guess I can wait until the end of the day. But, now it is your job to gather those people."

"I-I don't know Jack."

"I will get him. Fail me, and I will kill your guardian."

"What?! That's not fair! If I fail, which I won't, it would be fair to just take the guardian away to another person."

'You are the person I am sworn to protect. No one else. If you die, I die. But I will never leave your side.'

I'm sorry...

' It's fine. You will have no problem gathering these people.'

"I assume your guardian told you why?"

I nodded.

"Good, I will see you after school." With that, she shooed me out of the room.

I'm bringing these kids to their death. I can't do it.

'If you don't do it, I die. She will send all of you anyways. Then, when you get there, you won't have me as a guide.'

I know... I know I will feel guilty.

'I will help you through your guilt. Remember, you have me now.'

Thank you Luna.

'As your kind would say; no problem.'

I went to all of my classes, and the time seemed to be going faster than usual. I texted my parents one last time that I loved them, and headed to my last class.

I saw Scarlet's red hair right when I walked in the door. Guilt punched me in the stomach.

'It is not your fault. You are giving her more time to live, if anything.'

I appreciated the kind words, but it didn't help. I went over, and sat next to Scarlet.

"Heyy Ruth. Guess what?" She squealed.

"What?" I asked in a dramatic voice.

"I think my concussion is gone! I woke up this morning, and my head felt fine."

"That's... Great!" I was happy for her, but it just made the fact that were going to another world more realistic.

She smiled and looked up to our teacher.

Ms. Dory gave everyone a smile. "Today, this class will be a study period. But, I have one request. Sophia, Ruth, and Scarlet please come with me."

'That voice sounds familiar. Be careful Ruth.'

Ok I will... Should I take you with me?

'Yes. Bring your bag.'

I picked up my bag, and headed to Ms.Dory. She smiled at all three of us, and it looked like she smelled the air. Then she looked directly at my bag.

"What is in your bag?" She hissed. I gave an innocent look, and opened my first pouch, which showed my books.

"Are you referring to my books Ms. Dory?" I asked politely.

She gave a slight frown, but then motioned for us to follow her. She opened our class door, and led us to a storage room.

"What are we doing Ms. Dory?" Sophia asked with admiration.

Ms. Dory, looked almost disgusted, but I don't think anyone noticed except for me. "You will see my young student. Patience is requied in being a princess."

We all entered the room, which had a  blood red floor. The room was bare, and looked like it hadn't been used in ages. Maybe this wasn't the storage room..

'Ruth.. I don't trust her.'

Are you actually trying to help me, or are you helping the maid?'

It took several seconds for her to respond.

'My priority is you.'

I took a deep breath, and stepped towards the door. "Ms. Dory, Scarlet and I don't feel so well. Can we use the restroom real quick."

Scarlet gave me a questioning glance, but nodded at Ms. Dory.

Ms.Dory frowned at us, and waved her hand. One would think it meant we could go, but the door slammed shut behind us.

'Get out!'


'Use your cleverness!!'

Why can't you give me an ability?!

'It's too risky to give you the ability in the human world.'

Sophia looked at Ms.Dory warily. "What is going on here?"

Scarlet looked over to me, and I saw fear rising in her eyes.

"It is time for you girls to hear a story." She waved her hand again, and chairs appeared behind us. "Sit." Sophia sat right away, with me and Scarlet slowly sitting down.

She cleared her throat, and her eyes glazed over, as if reliving a memory. "Once upon a time-"

The Royal WithinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora