Chapter 14

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I woke up to the sun glaring down at my face, and Sophia whining about how hungry she was. My stomach had remained full, and I can owe that to Luna.

I slowly stood up, and noticed Scarlet beaming. "Hey. How was last night?" I whispered.

She looked to make sure no one was listening, and leaned closer. "We talked, and I realized that we have so much in common."

"Yay! Congrats!!"

She shook her head. "But he doesn't like me. Almost the entire time, he was talking about how Sophia, and how he has known her, like, forever."

"Well... That doesn't mean he doesn't like-"

"And then I asked if he liked her, because might as well be blunt, and he said Sophia's tall. Obviously I asked why that mattered, and he said he doesn't like tall girls."

I held my hand over my mouth. "Oh my gosh!!! He so likes you!!" I screeched.

She cocked her head. "What? No-"

"He was saying that he liked short girls. Earth to Scarlet, you are short."

"That doesn't mean-"

"I'm not short. Kim is already taken, and Sophia was already crossed out. That leaves you. Who happens to be short."

"He could like someone that isn't here!!" Scarlet pointed out.

"Don't deny it Scar. We both know he likes you." I teased.

She ran a hand over her face in annoyance, but I saw her smile.

"I saw that smile!" I yelled. Scarlet shoved me, and we moved back to the group.

I saw Jack, and offered him a grin. He stared back at me, and didn't even smile. I tried to give him my best I'm sorry look, but he apparently is the King of grudges.

"Ooh what has Jack mad?" Scarlet snooped.

"We got into an argument. He is still upset."

"Obviously." She parted my arm. "Go talk to him."

This took me by surprise. "What?"

"Go on. I know you hate being in arguments with people."

I sighed. She knew me too well.

"Ok... I will go talk to him." Again.

"Good luck!!"

I nodded, and walked over to an annoyed Jack. I stared at him, but he purposely ignored me.  He was staring off towards the group, and I followed their gaze. Everyone was talking and not noticing Jack and I. Except for Scarlet, who gave me another thumbs up, and Kim, who shot me confused looks.

"Jack. I'm sorry."

"I know."

I huffed out a sigh. "What can I do to make it up to you? I just wanted to show you that you weren't alone."

He turned to me. "I am alone." He whispered.

I put my hand on his shoulder, and gave him a comforting squeeze. "I don't know what it's like to be royal-"

"Obviously." He butted in.

"-But, I will try to understand, and help you to the best of my ability." Smiling, I took my hand off his shoulder, and offered it to him.

"We good?" I looked up to him, and smiled innocently.

He tried to suppress a laugh, but failed. "Fine. We're good." He grabbed my hand, and shook it.

I beamed up at him. "Good."

Then I walked back over to the group. "-Once everyone is done, we need to go. Daylight is our advantage." Luke told them.

Everyone nodded, and we walked.

And walked.

Until the forest became thin, and the grass seemed to die. The flowers were dying, and the sun was covered by clouds.

Sophia shivered. "I feel like I'm in a horror movie."

Luke took her hand, and squeezed it to try and comfort her. She ignored his kind gesture, and loosely held his hand.

"Can we stop?" She whined.

"No we can't." Luke persisted. "We need to keep going."

"Listen Luke. I know you are angry about Justin but that doesn't mean you can be mean!"

"I don't care! I told you many times-"

"You obviously do care!" She screamed.

"Guys. Please we need to be quiet." I pleaded.

Sophia glared at me. "No this needs to be handled. Luke, I'm sorry. Ok? But you need to let it go, so we can move forward together in a relationship. I feel guilty whenever you are with me."

"You should! But people make mistakes, and I'm trying to forgive you! For goodness sake, I have been taking care of you whenever something happens." Luke exclaimed.

"No, you don't! I take care of myself! Luke, you think you are all that, and I can't deal with that. I'm not a doll, I can take care of myself."

Obviously. I can tell by you whining you Luke all of the time.

"Fine Sophia. I'm done with this too. Whatever we had, it's over." With that, he trudged forward.

Sophia'a face fell. She was not used to him standing up for himself. "Luke wait! I didn't mean it-"

Then she was gone. All I saw was a blur, and she was gone.

"The vampires!" Luke shouted. "Sophia!"

'Run!! I gave you speed! Go!'

I can't leave them!!

One by one, my friends were picked off, and I scurried around to try to help them. Scarlet was the last one. I ran to grab her hand, but she vanished.

'Fine, now everyone is already taken. Run!!'

Guilt poked at my heart, but there was nothing I could do now. I needed to get I could go back and get them.

Or that was my plan.

I ran until my lungs burned, and the trees had turned back into the beautiful ones I remembered. I sat down to try to catch my breath.

Why where they out in the sun?! You sa-

'There are some that come out during the day. But if I told you, you wouldn't have been as brave.'

No! Because of this, my friends could be dead! Help me find a way to get them back.

'You can't no one can get to the vampire castle without permission.'

I'm going to.

I pressed the fox tattoo, and prayed this would work. "Luna give me Speed."

'Stop! Listen to me!'

I felt the potential energy fill up, and I blocked out Luna. I had to get them. They deserve to go home too.

I stood up, and saw the sun was setting. Either I go now and risk running into vampires, or go tomorrow in the day, but possibly have no friends to save.

Taking a deep breath, I sprinted towards the shriveled and bare trees, away from the lively ones.

Away from safety.

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