Chapter 7

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We got to the coat room, and everyone was there. Even, who I assumed was Jack, who dark brown hair that almost looked purple. By now, Lucy allowed Sophia and the others to be conscious.

When I entered, Luke sent me a questioning glance, and I turned my head away.

'Don't divert your gaze. It makes you look guilty.'

Too late.

'It's never too late.'

I felt someone grab my hand, and I noticed nails that were freshly painted red. Scarlet.

Scarlet looked at Lucy, and I saw something I wish I never had to see in Scarlet's eyes. Terror.

I gave her hand a squeeze, and looked to Luke again. His eyes were not on me, but Sophia. When he noticed me looking, he gave me a tight smile. I could see the confusion all over his face, but I could tell he was used to having to be the brave one. So he was going to be brave; or at least try.

I tried to give him a reassuring smile, but I'm pretty sure it looked like I was in pain.

Which, I was, in a way.

'You humans..'


'Nothing, you just proved my statement from before.'

What statement?

Luna didn't respond, which was annoying, but then again, we had bigger problems to deal with.

Lucy clapped her hands, and everyone looked at her. "You have all been informed of where you are going. You all know what you can do to try to get back here." She paused. "One of you, has a guide, and if that person chooses to tell you, then I suggest you try to keep that person alive. None of you have any idea what you are up against. The person with the guide will keep you alive."

"Why can't you tell us who they are?" Warren demanded.

"It is their choice of who they wish to save or protect. They have deemed themselves worthy." Lucy said, staring at Warren blankly. "But, knowing this person, I assume they would choose to save all of you."

Luke looked around the room, trying to decide be who the person with the guide was. Once again, his eyes landed on Sophia, and stayed there.

He thinks she is the person who will protect them?

'Is that jealousy I smell?'


I huffed out a breath, and Lucy looked at all of us. She gave everyone a blank look, but I could see the disgust behind it. When she got to me, the disgust disappeared, but her blank stare remained.

"Are you all ready?" Lucy pried. Everybody stood still.

"Obviously not." The one I think is Jack snapped.

Lucy cocked her head, and gave him a disapproving glance. "Hush now disobedient one."

He gave her a weird look. "You are sending us to a different world! The only thing you are giving us is a guide, who may or may not be helping us, and we could die. And now, you are asking us if we are ready?!" He exclaimed.

Lucy smiled and stepped towards Jack. "Yes."

"Wonderful." He said sarcastically. Lucy raised her thumb to her middle finger, just about to snap it, as I yelled "Stop!"

Everyone looked to me. "Uh please... Don't snap your fingers.." I whispered to Lucy. Jack nodded, and gave me a grateful look. Bad things happen when this maid snaps her fingers.

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