Chapter 9

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And we kept walking. When nightfall came, we all panicked. We have no food. No water. No shelter.

'It is my turn to help. Tap your wrist.'

Can't you just give it to me? I thought it was unnecessary to tap my wrist.

'I want you to practice. Tap your wrist, and think about speaking to animals.'

I tapped my wrist, and thought about speaking to animals. I told everyone in our little group to stay put. Luke insisted to come with me, saying he didn't want another fish boy to get me. I relented, but I knew I needed an idea to get him away from me.

He was tired. His stomach was rumbling from hunger, and his lips were parched. He still watched me with intent eyes, making sure nothing attacks me.

We walked only about a quarter of a mile with Luna secretly guiding me to a waterfall, when Luke stumbled.

"Luke!" I rushed to his side, as he steadied himself with a tree.

"I'm fine. We need to keep going.. And get back to them.."

Why am I not getting this tired?

'Because of me. I am currently eating, and sending some of my nutrients to you.'

Where are you?

'Closer than you think.'

I turned my attention back to Luke. "You are not fine!"

"Yes I am." He replied weakly.

I have to use my ability.

'In front of him?'

I can't leave him like this.

I spotted little animals, that resembled the ones that were or earth, and asked them to bring me berries. They said they would, and I asked a giant rabbit to take a small pouch I had, and fill it with fresh drinking water. The giant rabbit took it, and the deal was is that he brings us water and we don't eat him.

Luke was staring at me like I was crazy the entire time I talked to the animals.

So you have food?


Can you please bring me some? And help me create a fire or something?

There was no response, but I saw a fox creep out from the trees. She held a vine of berries in her mouth, and on her sides held tubes of water.

"Thank you!" I shouted, and grabbed the water. I took it over to Luke, and told him to drink.

"No, not until you do." He demanded.

I pretended to take a drink, which seemed to be enough for him. The next time I lowered the bottle to his mouth, he began to drink. He would stop, and make sure I 'drank' some more, but finally he had drank the whole bottle. Then, I went to Luna, and took the berries. I pretended to eat one, and then fed them to him. I could tell he was regaining his strength, but he was exhausted.

And I was too.

'Sleep child. I will bring the other humans to you. Sleep.'

Sophia, Jack, Scarlet, Warren, Kim, and Adam?!


Luke had already laid on the ground, so I went next to him, about an arm's length away.

"Ruth, I just wanted to say thank you." Luke whispered.

"You're welcome. I'm just happy we got food."

Luke turned on his side to face me. "Speaking of that, how did you get the food? And why were you talking to animals? And why did that fox give us-"

"Shhhh" I said softly. "You need your sleep."

He nodded, and shut his eyes. I was awake for awhile. I had never been camping before, and I wasn't exactly a fan of sleeping on bugs and dirt.

I was about to drift off, when the little animals came back with the food. Their squeaking woke Luke up, and he put an arm out in front of me.

I nodded to a giant leaf, and they put the food there. The giant rabbit set the pouches of water there as well.

When Luke saw that they were gone, he practically passed out right next to me. His arm was around me, and when I laid down, his chest was against my shoulder. As much as I enjoyed the moment, I knew he wouldn't want this. He thinks of me as a sister, amd I don't want to ruin whatever little relationship we had. So I removed his arm, and pressed him against the ground so that he was laying on his back.

Now we were laying shoulder to shoulder and I didn't have the strength in me to move away.

So, finally, I drifted off to sleep, knowing that everything will be fine.

Luna knows what she is doing.

I hope.

Hey my favorite people ever! :) Once again, thank you so much for giving this story a chance. Also I realized there might be some confusion. I made the names Luke, Lucy, and Luna. I know, confusing. I didn't even realize that until now. So my apologies. Also, please vote, and comment about this chapter! I live hearing feedback, just make it appropriate! :) Again, thank you so much!! 💝

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