Chapter 10

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I woke up, and my right shoulder felt warm. I smiled as I looked over and saw Luke pressed against it. My smile only grew as I saw everyone here. They are were asleep... Except for Kim. She saw me, and crept out of Adam's embrace, and sat next to me.

"He is a good guy ya know." Kim whispered and pointed to Luke. "He just is a dummy and refuses to show it."

I quietly chuckled, and looked down at Luke. I knew he was a good guy. He proved it all of the time.

"Just don't give up on him. He doesn't know what he's missing." Kim advised.

My cheeks instantly turned red. "What are-"

"I can see from the way you look at him. I used to look at Adam that way. I never thought I was good enough for Adam.."

"But you're a royal."

She sighed. "Royalty isn't always the way to someone's heart. For Adam, I showed him the music part of me. I played the piano, and we fell in love."

We were silent for a moment. "Don't change who you are for someone Ruth. No matter what my cousin says or does, if he doesn't like you for you, then get rid of him."

I stared at her blankly, and she laughed. "Scarlet and Warren found us, and Scarlet may have spilled some of your secrets."

That's how she knew. Ughh Scarlet.

"Of course."

"But hey, don't worry I won't tell Luke. And FYI, he doesn't like Sophia, in case you were wondering."

"Really?" I asked, my voice sounding hopeful.

"Well.... He thinks he does... But he doesn't. Sophia doesn't care about him one bit. She only likes his face. Luke needs someone better than that. He needs someone who is pretty in their own way, and kind to everyone." Kim said, and nudged me while she spoke her last sentence.

"Well guys don't always go for the kind ones.." I mumbled.

Kim got up, and gave me a smile. "Luke will."

My heart was thudding so loudly, I was afraid it would wake Luke. I looked at him one more time, and noticed his arm was around the girl next to him.


Just like that, my heart stopped thudding. I knew then, that Kim was wrong.

Too sad to get up, I went back to sleep. I moved my shoulder away from Luke's, and closed my eyes. Not a second later that I had moved my shoulder, I felt that same shoulder connect with mine. I turned to see Luke staring at me.

"You ok?" He asked, and I nodded.

'Are you going to tell him?'

I sat up, and motioned for us to go somewhere. I was going to get Scarlet, but she was sleeping so peacefully I couldn't bring myself to wake her up.

We walked into the forest, and Luke stood there rubbing his eyes. "What's up?" He yawned.

Well, might as well spit it out.

'Just say it'.

"I have the guide."

'I was not expecting that.. I thought you were going to tell him you like him!!'

Luke looked hurt for a second. "I'm happy your telling me, but why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I tried! It's just we had so much going on..."

He shrugged. "Well I'm glad you told me. Who else knows?"

My eyes lowered to the ground, and red formed on my cheeks. "Just you.."

Luke eyes widened, and then he smiled. "I appreciate that."

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