Chapter 27

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I started to panic as the water bubbled above my head. Ever since I was a child, my greatest fear had always been drowning. Now, I was practically doing so. Mermaids swarmed around me, pulling at my arms, scratching at my legs. I opened my eyes, and used my speed to swim towards the one that held Warren. He was still calm in the Siren's embrace.

I sped towards her, and grabbed Warren. The mermaid howled, which was similar to a gurgle, since it was in the water. She put up little fight, which was probably due to the fact that all of her power had been drained on Warren.

I swam towards the surface. My lungs were burning, desperately wanting oxygen. Right when I almost broke the surface, a slimy hand grabbed my leg, and I furiously tried to shake it off. Warren was now unconscious, and the mermaid wasn't letting go. I tried swimming closer to the shore, and grasped a rock that was about knee deep.

My vision was starting to blur, and bubbles were escaping from my mouth. Right as the world darkened, I felt a hand on mine.


I woke up choking out water, and my friends surrounding me. I glanced to Luke, who looked relieved, but also a tad bit angry.

He offered me a hand, and hauled me up. Jack laughed, and slapped Luke's back. "Thought you were going to have to do mouth to mouth there." Luke slightly smirked as my face turned the color of a pomegranate.

"Almost did." Luke added slyly, and my face felt on fire. I looked to Kim, and she gave me a small smile. Warren also smiled, and thanked me.

Still holding my hand, Luke led us away from the mermaids. At first, I thought Luke (maybe) just wanted to hold my hand. But then I found out why.

"Guys, Ruth and I need to talk." He led me deeper into the forest, pulling me with our connected hands. Once we got to where he wanted, he dropped my hand. "What were you thinking?" He exclaimed once we were alone.

I crossed my arms, and tried to think of a kind way to explain that I WAS DOING IT TO HELP A FRIEND. "I was trying to save Warren."

Luke raised his eyebrows. "Really? Cause I thought you wanted to meet fishboy again."

I frowned. "I'm fine Lucas." He sighed, and ran a hand through his hair. "Because of me!" He said while letting go of his hair. "Who do you think got you out of the water?"

I shrugged bluntly. "I thought it was someone who wouldn't yell at me, after I just saves someone's life I put in jeopardy."

"I'm not-!" He paused, and softened his voice. "I'm not trying to yell, and you weren't the cause of that."

I shook my head. "I was. I made a choice. It resulted in Warren almost drowning." I hung my head down in shame, that I almost killed a friend. Add that to breaking up a couple as well.

Luke stepped closer. "That was not your fault Ru." He peered into my eyes, and hesitated. He pulled back away from me, and stared into the forest.

"Adam didn't cheat on Kim." I exhaled with guilt. Luke's head turned, and he tilted his head. "What?"

I couldn't meet Luke's gaze. "It was my fault. I-"

Luke shook his head, a little smile played on his lips. He lightly touched my chin with his thumb, and the underside of my chin with the side of his pointer finger. He brought my head up to meet his gaze. "You can't blame everything on yourself."

Eh I'm prettttttty sure I can.

I felt butterflies from him this close, but backed away. "No.. It was actually my fault. It's a long story.."

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