Chapter 24

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We all talked about it, and decided to stay one more night at Chris's castle, and then we are leaving to continue what we started..but with Chris with us.

I talked to Luke about it, and he wasn't thrilled, but I told him how Chris could help me with my powers, and Luke relented.

It was time for dinner, and I set my clothes out for tomorrow (the same things).

I put on a black nightgown, that almost hinted at a blue. I put on some of the comfy slippers provided on the room, and went down to claim a seat.

I sat down next to Scarlet and Kim, who were talking about Warren. "We just haven't talked a lot recently. He has been really interested in Sophia." Scarlet said sadly.

Kim and I both frowned, and I gave Scarlet a hug. "That doesn't mean anything. He could just be frazzled with all that has been going on."

Chris sat down at the end of the table, and looked at me from across the table. His mouth quirked up, and nodded his head in a greeting. I slightly waved, and continued talking to Kim and Scarlet.

Then Luke walked down the stairs in his adorable pajamas, and sat next to Warren and Sophia. I smiled at him, and he lightly lifted his fingers in a greeting.

Scarlet made an 'ooooo' sound, and I playfully slapped her arm. "Scarlet, shhh!" I said while they were laughing at me.

Scarlet lowered her voice. "Since when did you guys become so close? He kissed your hand today! What happened?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. We just talked a lot, and he was here for me when I struggled with some stuff."

Scarlet frowned. "What stuff?"

I bit my cheek and grimaced. Oops. "I have...powers?" I told her, almost as a question.

Scarlet nodded. "I already know. You told all of us earlier..remember?"

I just stared at her. She was talking about the guardian powers. I opened my mouth to tell her there was more, but Chris started to speak.

"Hello everyone. I do want to apologize for locking you up in jail cells. Really, it wasn't anything personal." Chris remarked. "But, I did want you all to know I was sorry, and hope you all can enjoy your stay here."

Everyone nodded, and I glanced at Luke. I could tell he didn't feel comfortable with Chris. Which makes sense, I mean, Chris did beat him up.

After dinner, we all went to Chris's gigantic living room. I sat on a bean bag chair, while Scarlet sar at an armchair next to me. Adam and Kim shared the other armchair, and Jack sat on a bunjee chair. Sophia, Warren, and Luke sat on the couch across from my bean bag. When Chris entered, he brought another bean bag, and sat it next to mine.

Sophia looked around nervously, but then glanced at Chris. "We should play a game.. Oh! Maybe spin the bottle!"

I groaned, along with most of the people in the room. Sophia pouted, but then had another idea. "Truth or dare?"

This time, not as many people grunted, and Sophia took that as a yes. She squealed, and faced Chris. "Truth or dare?"

Chris sighed. "Dare." Sophia clapped her hands, and pondered his dare. "Ooh! I got it. Kiss me!"

My eyes widened, as well as Chris's. He rubbed his arm, which was his signature nervous habit. "Uhh." He looked over to me, and I didn't know what he wanted. My permission? Because there was no way I could give that. Chris is my friend, and I wouldn't want him to kiss Sophia. That girl causes heartbreak and I didn't want that for Chris.

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