Chapter 3

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"UGH five more minutes..." I pleaded. But my alarm clock persisted.

To wake me up, I place my alarm clock on the other side of my room.

Oh why do I do this to myself?

Sighing, I trudged down the stairs, and ate my protein shake. Then, I ate a gronala bar and brushed my hair into a ponytail.

I pretty much put on the same outfit I did yesterday, and packed my lunch for school.

After all that, I waited by the door. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, a black Ferrari came into my parking lot.

The Principal gave him my number AND my address. Wonder if he gave him my social security code while he was at it.

I stepped out the door, and a warm gust of air envoloped me. Smiling, I took a deep breath in of it, and walked to the car. Once I got out from my front door's awning, the sun striked my eyes, and not in a good way.

"Ah" I groaned. The sun was making my head feel ten times worse. I put my hand out to try to block the sun, and walked to the car. Not knowing whether to sit in the front of the back, I hopped in the back.

"Hey. Uh... Thank you." I said sincerely.

"Yeah no problem. Hey, you can sit in the front if you want. We are not picking up Kim or your friend today."

My eyes widened, and I started to panic.

My first day is going to be without Scarlet?!

"You going to sit in the front or not?"

I got out of my seat, and got in the front.

"Why aren't we picking them up?" I questioned.

"I was running late this morning, so I asked Kim to pick up the other one."

The other one? She has a name.

"Her name is Scarlet."

"Ok, and remind me of your name."

"Ruth" I mumbled.

After that, the ride to school was quiet.

After a minute of uncomfortable silence, Luke turned up the music.

I winced. The music felt like a knife diving into my skull. Luke glanced over, and saw me clutching my head.

"Oh, sorry about that." He quickly turned down the music, and ran a hand through his hair. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

"No it's fine-"

"I'm talking about the car accident." He replied in an irritated voice. "I was letting Sophia, you might not know her, drive my car....And I heard you had a concussion."

"Yeah.. But it's fi-"

"Not really." He let out a dark laugh. "You are a scholarship kid."

"How did you know?"

"Well you don't exactly dress royal, for starters. But Mr.Grol told me as well."

"Ouch." I muttered.

He laughed, and I found myself letting out a little chuckle. And then I remembered what he said.

"Why does it matter that I'm a scholarship kid?"

His eyes darted away from the road, to mine just for a second. "Uh well you are going just because of your brain, and you are concussed."

"It's ok. I will get through it."

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