Chapter 18

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I groaned. "No! That is not an option Luke!"

He stared straight at me. "Listen, if one of us staying here is the price to save the rest of us is the cost, I will take it for you guys."

I mentally face-palmed. "Or we can come up with a plan that gets us all out of here."

He shrugged, and kept walking towards (hopefully) our friends.

"Luke?" A gasp echoed in the humid halls sent a chill through me.

"Sophia?" Luke turned, looking for where the sound came from.

"Luke!!" Her gasp turned to a yell, as she realized it was him. He ran to the cell he heard her from, and she was leaning against the bars.

When I saw her, my mind instantly flashed back to the argument they had. The break-up.

I turned away as Luke hugged her though the bars. "We will get you out of here."

"You better." An irritated voice said from the back of the cell.

"Shut up Jack! At least he came!" Sophia argued.

He?! Does she not see me?

I stepped closer, and immediately Sophia's nose scrunched up. "How are you not in a cell?" She looked at Luke. "Did you save her first?!"

"No." He paused. Then he smirked. "Why were you jealous for a second there?"

Sophia pouted. "Of course not."

"Good, because you don't get jealous over exes." Luke pointed out.

Sophia's jaw dropped. "Wait, you were serious. Luke-"

He waved me over. "We need to get this open. Any ideas?"


But then I had one. I touched my wrist, and thought cleverness. An idea swirled through my head, but I didn't understand it.

The idea repeated itself over and over until I saw what I had to do.

Or what I think I had to do.

"Make me mad Luke." I asked turning to him.

He raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"You heard me." I said while looking at my arms.

He looked at me suspiciously. "Uh... What do you want me to do?"

I huffed out a sigh.

"I am never going to get out of here!" Sophia whined.

Right then, I knew who could make me mad.

"Is that so?" I asked. "Maybe if you held your mouth shut, Luke and I could think of a way out if here."

I felt awful saying these things to her, but I mentally reminded myself to apologize later.

Everyone gaped at me, not believed what I just said.

"Maybe if you didn't lead us to the vampire's village, we wouldn't be stuck here!" She screeched. "And-and you think you can waltz in here with Luke and act like you are better than me? No! You can't!"

I arched a brow. "So you are saying you're better than me?" I egged her on.

She smiled. "Well we already knew that.. But if you need evidence, let's look back at college. Nobody knew you. Nobody cared about you. You were just a scholarship kid. The only reason we are talking today is because of a magical scenario."

A warm rush flew up my arms, and spread throughout my body. It was a low glow, but I felt like it was enough.

I rushed toward her, and grabbed her arm. An image of a huge hairy spider with huge fangs appeared, and I shuddered, but I held on the the image.

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