Chapter 6

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Ms.Dory cleared her throat. "Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Emily. She lived in a faraway land-"

"Ms.Dory, why are you telling us-" Sophia started.

"Shush child!!" Ms. Dory shrieked. "Now where was I... Oh yes. Emily. She was a princess of one of the many kingdoms. Adored by all she was. She was pretty and extremely kind. All the boys loved her, and all of the girls wanted to be her. But, Emily's heart was already taken, by a boy named Will. Will was a dashing young man with eyes that would brighten Emily's day at any point in time. Will was of nobility, his father being a Duke. It was only right for Emily to marry of royalty or nobility, and Emily was set on Will. He was kind, loving, and compassionate beyond belief. Emily knew he would be a wonderful husband and king. Emily began to talk to Will a lot more, and one day he came to her. 'I want to court a girl I am in love with, but I am lacking the confidence to do so.' He told her. Emily was so excited she quickly answered that only a fool would not court him, and Emily told him to just ask." Ms. Dory sighed, and looked at us. "It truly is a sad story children."

For a few seconds, she sat there, but finally she began to speak again. "Emily was waiting for the time he would ask her, but it never came. Weeks later, he came back with a girl named Lucy. This girl was of common folk, and dressed like it as well. When Emily saw the two together, she realized she was not the one Will loved. Heartbroken, Emily set out to do what any heart broken girl would do. Find a potion to hurt Lucy, since it was Lucy's fault after all. Emily searched through the woods, but found no one. Until she met a witch. This witch gave Emily to turn any victim old. Emily took it happily, knowing Will could never love a woman who is now withering away. When Emily approached Lucy, she offered her a piece of cake. She told Lucy that it was to symbolise luck for the couple. Lucy thanked Emily, and stupidly ate the cake. Her smooth skin turned to wrinkles, her straight back became hunched, and her bright eyes became dull. 'What have you done to me?!' She cried to Emily. But Emily felt no sympathy. It was Lucy's fault for trying to take away Will anyway... Don't you think?"

Sophia nodded right away, and Scarlet nodded as well. When I didn't nod, Ms. Dory glared at me. "Don't you think so Ruth?"

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, but Emily shouldn't have done that. She was jealous and acted rashly. "

Ms.Dory narrowed her eyes. "Perhaps you need to hear the rest of the story."

I shrugged, and she gave me one last glare before returning to her story. "Anyway, during this time, there was a war between kingdoms, and Will was fighting. He came to Emily in the infirmary, and asked Emily where Lucy was. Lucy was standing right next to Emily. Lucy had stared at Will in horror when he didn't recognize her. 'Will, it's me.' She cried to him. He had shaken his head, and continued looking for Lucy. He came back to Emily, and she told him Lucy had died in the crossfire of the battle. He sobbed on her shoulder, and yelled 'I have nothing to live for.' Emily tried to convince him that she was there for him, but he charged out to battle..and was never seen again." Ms.Dory looked like she was about to start crying when she said her last sentence. "I would have given him the world.." She whispered.

"Wait Emily was you?" Sophia asked in awe. I felt like face palming myself. Did she really just realize that?!

Ms.Dory didn't answer. "Now Lucy is back. I came to this world to get away from her, but she is here. She is using you all as a part of her trade to stay." She waved her hand, and we were all strapped into our chairs.  "I can't let that happen."

We all struggled in our seats, especially me, since she took out a dagger, and slowly stepped my way.


'Distract her! Stall! Help is on the way!'

She got closer, and I yelled "Wait!" She paused for only a second. "What if Will is alive? He might be." I shouted.

Ms.Dory aka Emily froze. "Impossible." But I could hear the hope in her voice. Bingo.

"He could. After all, you never saw his body correct?"

She nodded. "Well did he ever try to contact you?" I pried.

"No he didn't." She snapped.

"He could be held in imprisonment... Or maybe he is in this world. Are there any locator potions? You could use one to find him."

She took a step closer. "Nice try."

"I'm being serious! He could be alive and needs-" I was going to elaborate, but she stuck her dagger to my throat.

"I have been waiting for this moment." She said darkly. When she pressed the blade slightly into my neck, the door burst open, and Emily dropped the dagger. She gasped as she saw the maid. "Lucy?"


Lucy pointed a finger at Emily, and something shot out of it. I don't know what it was, but it knocked her out. "Come children." She spoke friendly words but gave dirty looks to Scarlet and Sophia. When she saw me, she observed my neck.

"Are you ok?" Lucy asked. I nodded, and Lucy smiled. "Good. Now are you ready?"

Dread filled my stomach. "I didn't get the other members." I whispered weakly. "I'm sorry.... I was kind of kidnapped."

Lucy waved me away. "You are fine dear. I have already gathered them. They are unconcious in the coat room."

She said it so casually, I wanted to run and hide. Or just run. Anywhere away from her.

She looked at all three of us. "Now follow me. You all are being offered the chance of a lifetime."

Sophia shook her head. "I'm not following any more people."

Lucy smiled, and snapped her fingers. Sophia went unconscious, and Lucy snapped them again, and Sophia floated towards her.

"I never liked her anyways." She muttered. "Now any more objections?"

Scarlet shook her head, and I didn't move.

"Perfect. Let's go."

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