Chapter 20

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I backed up. "No-" My head couldn't process this. There was no way...

Chris walked towards me. "Don't be afraid. I would never hurt you." His words were laced with kindness and understanding.

I put my hands up. "Chris. How do I know it's the real you?" His step faltered, and he looked to the ground.

"When we were seniors in high school, I asked you five times to prom before you said yes."

I blushed. That was true. Back then, even though I would rather not admit it, I liked Chris. But I didn't feel a certain spark. Eventually, I convinced myself that you need to date for awhile to get a spark.

Chris laughed. "I love making you embarrassed. It's adorable."

Still, after all these spark. The feelings I felt for him before, they weren't there. Now, he was just a friend...if even that.

I stared him down. "Talk Chris. You said that's what you wanted." I tapped my foot impatiently against the concrete underneath me, which sent echoes throughout the halls.

Chris gave me a sad smile. "This is not how I want it." He snapped his fingers, and the shadows came towards me. They pulled me up a staircase, and into a room.

Once there, they threw me to the floor. There were four maids in the room, which stared at me with no emotion.

They walked to me, and pointed to the bathroom.

The tallest maid approached me. "You must shower. Master does not like stink."

I tried to back up towards the door, but before I got there, the maids pulled me to the bathroom, and forced me to shower.

I got out, and the maid with black hair started combing my wet hair, and the tallest maid went to the closet. The other two were working to dry me off. Every time I fought them, they would threaten my friends.

It was a slow process, but I became dry, and my hair was untangled. The tallest maid came back with a white ball gown, which had blue seams that flowed throughout the dress like a flower.

I turned and shook my head in protest, but they shoved me into the dress. They tightened it (which i felt like I couldn't breathe), and showed me the shoes I was supposed to wear.

"No! I can't walk in heels." I backed up from the maid that had the shoes. "Why is this necessary?!" The maids turned to each other and smiled, then attacked my feet. They slid the shoes on, and ogled at them. The heels were high, and matched my white dress.

They put me in front of a mirror, and I stood there in shock. The dress was beautiful. Then I looked up to my face. I shook my head. I don't belong in this dress.

The tall maid screeched."Oh no! Her hair!" They pulled me back into the bathroom, and started to curl my hair. Surprisingly, they didn't burn me.

After my hair satisfied them, they applied dark red lipstick to my lips, and added a light layer of mascara.

"No I don't do makeup-" I started.

"Hush child. We're done." The maids replied in sync. They fluffed my curls one last time, and walked to the door.

I tried to walk to the door, but tripped.

Ugh these heels!!

The door opened, and Chris walked in with a blood red suit, and a black tie that matched his pants. His hair was combed back, and his eyes watched me with amusement.

"Are you ok?"

I shook my head, and glared at him. "You know I can't walk in heels."

He laughed again, and offered me his hand. I grabbed it, and pulled myself up. I tried to retract my hand, but he didn't let go.

He smiled sweetly. "We have a dinner to attend."

I was confused. "Aren't we going to have a talk or whatever?"

He nodded. "After the dinner."

I took a deep breath, and tried to pull away my hand again. He let me, but then interlocked our arms, just how they would do it in the with century.

I breathed out a laugh. "We don't have to do that-"

He was oblivious to the fact that I didn't want him to hold my arm. "Of course we do. It's called being polite."

As much as I didn't want him next to me, he was helping me walk. He led me down the stairs, where there was a grand table.

At that table, sat all of my friends. They were all dressed nice, but Scarlet's face looked panicked. A flood of relief went through me. At least they are alive.

My eyes traveled down the table, until I saw Luke. My breath hitched, as I saw him dressed in a blue suit. His hair looked slightly damp, but had gel to secure it in the right position. When his eyes landed on me, the blue seemed to almost sparkle in the light.

Oh my gosh. Get a grip Ruth!

He faintly smiled when he saw me looking back at him, and it faded away when he looked at Chris.

We finally made it down the steps, when Scarlet came up amd threw her arms around me. "I'm so happy you're ok!!"

I hugged her back. "Aw I'm happy you're ok too!" I leaned closer to her. "How is everyone doing?"

Scarlet frowned. "Warren and Jack are scared out of their minds, but both are trying to lighten the mood. Adam and Kim have been talking to each other like an old couple. 'Oh Adam, I love-"

I held my finger to my lips, while trying not to laugh. "Shhhh. They are right over there."

She nodded, and held back a smile. "You look amazing Ruth. Just imagine the look on Luke's face when he sees you."

I signed. "He already has."

She waved me on with her hands. "And...? Boom!?! Did he gasp? Look shocked?!"

I shook my head. "He somewhat smiled."

Scarlet gave me a tight smile. "He, uh, definately likes you."

I laughed at the absurdity of that thought. "Thanks Scar."

Scarlet went back to her seat, and conveniently the only seat left was next to Chris and Kim.

I tried to walk over, but once again, failed, and fell right next to the end of the table.

Luke happened to be sitting there, and got down on the floor with me. He looked up to Chris and then back to me. "We need an escape plan." He muttered. He offered his hand, and slowly pulled me up.

"I'm open to ideas." I whispered. Luke thought for a moment, and then smiled.

"Chris-" Luke started.

Chris glared at Luke his hand that was holding on to mine. "It's Christopher."

"I challenge you, Christopher," He took a deep breath, and looked at me for confidence, "to a duel?"

My jaw dropped, as well as everyone else in the rooms did. "You are doing what?" Sophia screamed.

I grabbed Luke's shoulders, and had him face me. "Luke-"

He smiled. "Trust me."

I took a slow breath, and dropped my hands. "I trust you. What's the plan?"

Luke leaned in close, and whispered in my ear. "Leave your door unlocked tonight. I will tell you the plan. Spread the word, we are getting out."

I nodded, and Chris laughed at the whole situation. "You are going to wish you were never born, human."

Luke raised an eyebrow, and winked at Sophia, who was still throwing a tantrum. "We'll see about that."

Oh my gosh guys! Thank you soooo sooo much for reading, and making it this far!! I hope you enjoyed, and are looking forward to the next chapter!! I know I am ;).
As always, feel free to comment, I love to hear what you guys are thinking!

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