Chapter 26

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I would think that Chris would not be excited to leave, but he jumped around the trail.

I stood next to Kim, who was still upset (rightfully so), and Luke, who was trying his best to cheer her up. He slung one arm over her shoulder, and continued to crack dad jokes.

"Knock knock." Luke smiled. Kim groaned, but I could tell she was happy that he was there. "Who's there?"

Luke's smile didn't waver. "Who." Kim rolled her eyes, as if he has already told her this one. "Who who?" She asked sarcastically.

Luke playfully squeezed her. "Are you an owl?"

Kim faintly smiled, amd her eyes traveled to Adam. He was glancing back at us, and confusion was all over his face. He doesn't know that Kim knows.

Kim smiled started to fade as Adam and her stared at each other. Luke was glaring at Adam, but Adam's eyes didn't budge from Kim's.

Adam walked towards us, and Luke stepped forward defensively. I lightly put my hand on his arm, and Luke sighed, and stepped back.

Adam nodded to the left at Kim, and she nodded apologetically at us, and walked with him behind us.

When we were out of earshot, Luke curled his fists, and his eyes were narrowed. "Nobody messes with my cuz." He hissed.

I glanced behind us, amd looked back to Luke. "As much as I want to give Adam a piece of my mind, I think Kim will handle that. Just let her talk to him." He grimaced, and continued to angrily look back at them.

I put my hand on his shoulder, and rubbed it. He felt calm, but once I retracted my hand, he was tense oncemore.

He wasn't the only one. And not just because of Adam, but of who he cheated with. How could Scarlet do that to Kim? I definately needed to talk to her.

Luke's angry sigh drew me out of my thoughts. "Lucas, she needs to do this. Trust me." I told him, and he nodded, but continued to seethe. With all that was going on, I still thought it was cute that he cares so much about Kim.

Minutes later, Adam walked in front of us, and Kim ran to me. She made sure Adam was far enough away, and she flung her arms around me. Her quiet sobs shook her shoulders, and Luke grew even more mad.

"I-I just broke up with him." Her tears slid onto my shirt, and I rubbed my hand on her back in circles. Luke almost looked like he was about to confront Adam, but he glanced at me, and decided against it. Instead, he opened his arms, and Kim slowly let go of me, and enveloped him into a hug. "He denied ever doing that with Scarlet. He's going to go talk to her."

It hadn't even been a minute, and Chris came and walked with us. Kim frowned when she saw him. "We broke up!" She wailed, and he walked over and gave her a hug. He gazed over at me while he hugged her, and gave me a tiny smile.

He really was a great guy. He continued to have an arm around her as we walked, and I looked in front of us.

Luna decided to show herself, snd Jack followed her, fascinated by the guardian. Sophia was following Jack, trying to get his attention. Warren stayed with Sophia, but always glanced back. Adam and Scarlet were walking together(behind Warren), and a flash of blue lit up in my eyes.

Luke noticed, and slowly took my hand. He kept talking with Kim and Chris, but his finger ran circles on my palm. The blue faded away, and Luke smiled.

Heat rushed to my cheeks, and I looked up to the beautiful trees, the ones that weren't like the vampire trees.

Luke slowly removed his hand, and I felt a wave of disappointment.

He is just a friend.

'We are approaching the mermaid's cove. Focus Ruth.'

Ok. I'm focused.

'No you're not. Do you want me to tell you what you're focusing on?'

Scarlet walked over to me, and anger flooded through me. "I didn't kiss him Ruth! I was with Warren! I promise!" She continued to plead, and then it clicked. My own dream flashed through my eyes.

The walls around me, were one's of Chris's palace. I walked up from my bed, and down the hall, searching, yearning for a certain power. I saw a figure of black approaching me, and I raised my hand, as the figure raised  it's as well. The blue jolted toward the figure, as the figure's black energy jumped towards mine. Our hands were about to connect, when a girl stepped around the corner. My blue attacked her, and a boy making out with a girl appeared. The figure snickered, as the girl watched her own nightmare come to life.

I looked closer.

The girl was Kim.

I fell back, and Scarlet caught me with her arm. "It's my fault." I whispered, horrified. I did that... I caused their breakup. I was about to run back to Kim, when Jack called out.

Jack stopped, and waved us at us to catch up. We ran over to where he was at, and stopped in awe.

"It's so pretty." Sophia mumbled, and I nodded. We were standing on vibrant green grass, and looking out to the crystal blue lake. It simmered as the sun shines down it's rays of light. The trees were what you would see at a beach, surrounding the lake. The palm trees casted few shadows, letting the light fully touch the lake.

Warren smiled, and started walking to the water. That was when I heard it. The small shrieking sound. The sound like someone was dying.

I pushed everyone back, as did Luke. He remembers as much as I do. He held them there while I went after Warren.

"Warren!!" I shouted, but his foot was already touching the water. He didn't even blink as I called out his name.

I grabbed his arm, and he tried to pull away. "Warren!" I yelled, trying to not let go of him, and snap him out of it.

'I'm going to not allow you to hear anything for awhile. The sirens will get you otherwise.'

Then, white noise pulsed through my ears, and I winced, but kept a firm grab on Warren.

Warren struggled, and I felt Luke's hand fly over mine, and rest over Warren's arm. Luke and I were both pulling, until a siren appeared out of the water. Her hair was matted covered in slime. Her skin was bubbly, and her tail flipped up when she saw us. The tail which had the scales we needed.

The mermaid started to sing to Luke, and I made a choice. One that I didn't even think about. If I could go back, I would switch my actions, but I did this out of reflex.

I let go of Warren, and quickly grabbed some of the sticky mud that littered the lake, and pressed it to Luke's ears. His eyebrows raised in confusion, but then recognition crossed his face.

I looked back to Warren, and started walking into the lake. I heard Luke shout no, but he stayed with the others, keeping them back.

Warren's head submerged into the water, and I didn't hesitate. I continued to run into the water, and as I took my last breath, I asked for super speed, and hoped that everyone would stay safe.

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