The Day We Met

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"Hange's back?!" I shout first thing after entering through the front door.

My mom, being strict as always, shoots a glare at me that meant 'lower your voice, Eren', then smiles. I swear I'm still trying to figure out how she can transform from a glaring villain to a loving mother in two seconds. It's like she has a switch inside her or something. Anyway, that's not the point here.

The point is, Hange is here! Oh, you're probably wondering why I'm so hyped about this Hange person. Let me elaborate. Hange Zoe has been my neighbor for as long as I can remember. And since my father mostly stayed away from the house (still does), they used to babysit me whenever mom had to go out. Doesn't mean they're super old though. I used to be around 6 and they were probably around 18. So yeah, 12 years. Not that old at all. And then, when I was around 11, Hange got a job offer in Stohess. It was probably an amazing opportunity because I remember everyone congratulating them a lot. And so, they left.

And now, after six fucking years, they decide to pay a visit!

I start setting up a plan in my mind how I'm gonna tackle them the moment we meet. Hange and I used to be really close, almost like friends. They never treated me like a kid, unlike others. But that was probably because I actually listened to their wild and crazy scientific theories, while everyone else tried to run away. But still, they were the only friend I had before I met Mikasa and Armin.

I hurriedly stuff my mouth with food before turning on my heel to bolt out of the door.


Dang! Almost made it!

I turn around, facing my mom. "Yes?"

She gives that angelic smile, which can either be very good or very bad.

"I hope I won't be hearing any complaint from the neighbors."

Yup. Very bad.

"Mom!" I whine, kind of. "I'm just going to greet them. It's not like we're strangers or anything."

"Alright. But Hange's brought a friend. So, behave yourself. I don't want their guest to feel unwelcome because of you."

What the-?

Hange's brought a friend?!

Who the fuck would be crazy enough to be friends with them? Other than me of course. Shit! I gotta meet this 'friend' guy! I mean... if it's a guy. Or a girl... or like Hange ... whatever. I gotta meet this person.

"Yeah yeah, I got it. Jeez! You make it sound like I'm some kind of savage!"

I see my mom shaking her head in laughter, and then, I disappear through the door.


I spot them from the other side of the road. Both of them, sitting on the lawn and chatting. And yes, it's a guy apparently. The friend, if my guess is not wrong. I cross the road and walk over to their house to greet my long-time-no-see neighbor and their friend. Now that I look closely, I see Hange sitting on the grass with their legs stretched, and the other guy sitting on... a blanket? One of his legs is folded while the other is bent at the knee and propped up, his elbow resting on it.

My Neighbor's FriendWhere stories live. Discover now