Cat fight.. sorta.

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     Nico's pov

a day past since (Y/N) screamed at Troy. it was kinda weird. and why did she threaten to kill him just by hurting me? i must really mean a lot to her.. especially she ran crying. i feel so bad..

ever since that happened, alot of people started to get suspicious about (Y/N) and I. i even heard rumors of us not even being siblings. which is true.. but if the principal finds out then i don't know if they're gonna let me stay here. since the whole parent thing.. maybe if my dad Hades could do the same thing of me and Bianca when he regestured at my old school. but if that happens, more people are gonna be suspicious.

apparently there were cameras in the gym closet we were at yesterday, and had footage of us hugging and.. me kissing her head..why did i do that? 

apparently a student saw some teachers going over the footage and recorded the whole thing. now people call (Y/N) a crybaby. but when i catch them i always step up. 

while (Y/N) and I were walking out of school, we saw Troy winking at her. "ugh.." she says annoyed. "just ignore him. he'll leave you alone eventually." i tell her. "yeah, maybe you're right. anyways, i saw this new menu item back at the restaurant nearby. something called the choco explosion. i think its a milkshake."   

heh.. i didn't know she likes chocolate. well almost everybody does.

we were talking and started to walk by the restaurant. on our way there, we kept laughing and making jokes like what we would do back at her house before school started. 

"wait.. hold on.. what do you do when you see a skeleton run?" she says in between laughs "i don't know, what?" i ask

"jump out of your skin and join him!"

"jeez.. haha that's so bad!" i tell her and laugh. we both laughed for a good while until we start to hear people chanting something as we walk.

we walked toward all the people, turns out they're all students. shocker. anyways. they were chanting something like "fight her" and "you'll get expelled.

"what do you think is going on over there?" (Y/N) asks.

"dunno.  wanna go check? might be Percy again" i tell her.

"maybe you're right. but you go. and in case if its him then drag him out and lets get outta here."

"sure" i say. i start to walk toward the crowd and push through. i tried looking for Percy to see if he got himself into another fight. but when i got to the center, i didn't see him. instead i saw that blonde girl again. 

"Micaela! cat fight! Micaela! cat fight!" people kept screaming that. i guess her name's Micaela.

"shut up! everyone! i'll fight her! don't worry, i'll make sure that emo barbie is gonna pay for talking to my Troy." i heard her say.

the gaze went from the crowed and onto me.

"hey! you! you're (Y/N)'s brother right?" she says as she walks up to me. 

"uh..yeah? why?" i ask her. i tried to sound intimidated to let her know not to mess with (Y/N). but instead of that, i sounded nervous. i guess it was because of all the kids now starring at me.

"well where is she?" she asks.

"why do you want to know?" i ask her, now a bit more angry.

" cuz i want to know. now tell me. or i'll tell Troy you're hitting on me and i'll tell him to beat you up. now tell me where she is!" students started to say "he's hitting on her?" and started to take their phone out.

"nah, also no i'm not into sluts. stop flattering yourself by telling Troy that i'm hitting on you. And why the heck would you want to know where (Y/N) is?"

"she's over there!" someone yelled. i cursed silently and turned to see (Y/N) looking right at me in confusion. turns out she found out what was going on and gestured me to go with her.

"hey emo! get over here! or to scared to fight me?!" Micaela yelled.

"shut up!" i hissed at her. i tried to walk away but for some reason (Y/N) was making her way over here. 

'what is she doing?' i thought to myself

"look, i'm not gonna fight you." she says.

"yeah cuz you're a scared little-" i cut Micaela off by yelling at her "would you shut up!? she said she's not gonna fight you!'

Micaela stood there in silence for a few seconds, until she made her way passed me and slapped (Y/N)

"ow! what the heck!"

"ow what the heck!" Micaela mocked. "you sound like a little kid!"

a few seconds went by of Micaela cursing out (Y/N) until she tried to slap her again, but this time (Y/N) caught her wrist.

"oh what? you think you stopped me that makes you cool?!" Micaela yelled. 

soon, everybody started to circle around us and recording. 

Micaela's slaps turned into punches and pulling her hair. she tried to knock (Y/N) down but she just stood there, taking the pain. and i saw her trying to hold back her tears from the pain Micaela's causing her.

"enough!" i yell. i pulled Micaela by the back of her shirt and pried her away from (Y/N)

"let go of me!" she yelled, she started to curse loudly and try kicking me.

"c'mon (Y/N) lets go." i tell her. i put my hand on her shoulder, gesturing for us to go. she got the message and turned on her heel. she put both of her hands behind her head and said "man, and i was in a mood for a milkshake." at first i was shocked, not seeing her cry, and completely fine. as if the whole thing never happened. she started to walk away and i fallowed her.

behind us was a cursing Micaela and students recording the entire scene.

we kept walking and walking until we were a good distance from the restaurant.

it was silent for a bit until (Y/N) broke it. 

"you alright?"

"am i alright? i should be asking you that!" i say

"yeah but she's weak. she doesn't really know how to fight. besides, I've been in much worse situations so i should be fine."

this really shocked me.. yesterday she was crying in my arms.. and now she took a beating like it was nothing... she really is something. but then again.. its (Y/N) being (Y/N).. i wonder.. if someone else would threaten to hurt me again, would she cry again? 

"don't worry about me. i see that worried look on your face" she says

i was so lost in my own thoughts that i didn't realize my own facial expressions. "uh..well i'm obviously gonna be worried." i tell her

"heh, thanks but no thanks. i might seem like a crybaby at times but i'm unpredictable. trust me"

"yeah i've noticed" i say.

she laughed and started to run

"catch me if you can!"

"h-hey! wait! you're dropping your homework!"

"then pick it up for me haha!" 

heh..dang it.

Nico Di Angelo x emo reader x Percy Jackson. School dramaWhere stories live. Discover now