Chapter One

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"Andy!" I scream, running towards him, pouncing on him, and squeezing the living shit out of him, I can hear my mom giggling, and Andy as well

"Hey! Long time no see huh" it had been, well, it had been two weeks but it had also been a really long time

"Jesus, she misses you more then she missed me, and she was away from me twice as long!" My mom jokes and I laugh, hugging her

"Are Cc and Jake here?" My eyes light up

"No, sorry it's just me" Andy jokes, pretending to sound attended

"Oh, bummer" I sigh and his drop drops, then I start laughing

"It's fine, I just came to formally hand you your check"

My eyes light up, then go back down, when the thought of him only being here to give me the check, pops up.

"Thank you" I smile small

"How much did you get babe?" My mom asks, then I open the envelope carefully

I unfold it, and start at the top of the page where my name is, then follow it down the see the amount

"Holy shit!" My mom screeches, then my eyes finally find my amount

"Seventy five thousand" I whisper "What the hell? How is it this much??!"

"I thought you'd be mad honestly" he laughs "We all got two, three hundred each"

"Is that for the whole tour, or just for-"

"Just for half" he shrugs "but if you think about it that's before taxes and all our shows were sold out, and sold out shows bring in the most money"

"How much will mine be after taxes?" I ask

"Uh" he thinks for a minute "probably fifty to sixty thousand, in the middle of there"

"Shit" I smile "that's still a fuck ton!"

"Yeah, I'm proud of you baby" my mom hugs me and I cringe a little, but lay my head on her shoulder in response

"So are you just here to give me my check?" I ask

"Oh, so your mom told me-"

"Y'all having conversations with out me?" I look confused

"Your mom told me" he continues and I roll my eyes "That you finished all your school work and did what you were supposed to, so that you could come to LA early" he smiles, my heart drops a bit. Sure, I wanted to go to LA, but here I had Cole.

"Can you guys not plan shit without me?" I ask

"I thought you'd be happy" Andy raises an eyebrow, the guilt trips me "happy to see us"

"Yeah I am but I've been here for only two weeks and I haven't gotten to see all the other people in my life as much as I wanted to yet"

"Well we're not leaving for three days" Andy exclaims

"Okay" I say sadly, I love them, but Coles gonna be mad  "I forgot my board at Cole's house so I'm gonna go get it tomorrow"

"I thought you and Andy could go-"

"No it's fine" Andy nods "Plus I haven't really gotten to meet Ashlyn so her and I could do something"

Now that made me jealous. Me and Andy had slept together and I don't want him to sleep with my sister.

"Okay" I sigh "Where is Andy sleeping tonight?"

"I was going to set up an air mattress on your floor" mom says awkwardly

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