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"I'm really sad that your leaving" Andy frowns and I huff

"Me too, but I'll see you this summer" I smile

"About that" he sighs "We're gonna have to share a bus with-"

"Juliet" I nod "I know"

"Yeah" he rolls his eyes, then takes a deep breath and straightens out his posture "It'll be okay though"

"Yeah" I nod

"Well, we're here" he says, pulling up to the airport

"Yeah" I look at him sad, then open the door and get out both of my suitcases, and put on my backpack, Andy grabs one of them for me. In the beginning of your I had three, but I dropped one off at home when we stopped in Oakland. We walk into customs, and Andy helps me get checked in and everything. Then before I go through security, we have to say goodbye.

"I'm gonna miss you" I tell him honestly, and he just embraces me, wrapping his arms around me, allowing me to feel safe, one last time, and that was the last I would see of him for quite a while, and the next time would be way different, he would become someone else. But I walked away with the innocence of not knowing what would happen.

On the way home I didn't meet any knew friends, but when I got home it was hell. My mom was constantly mad and moody, my dad had had enough of it, but wouldn't say anything. Eventually though, she decided she couldn't deal, and left. Once she left, my dad started drinking, and my sister moved out, taking herself away from the toxicity. I went back to school, with everyone down my throat and trying to talk to me. On the bright side though, once in a while I'd drive down to San Leandro and go skate with Braille, and progress as a skater, and another progression in my life is I finally formed that band. With me as the Lead guitar, and back up vocals, Lyric, who became a great friend of mine, being the bassist. The rythm guitarist being Grim, and the drummer being a guy from a starter band in Warped Tour last year, named Max, who's band broke up, and lastly, our singer is my friend who's now a Freshman in College, Shane.

But eventually I graduated, I walked the stage proudly holding my deploma, and while Andy couldn't make it because Andy Black was on tour, Cc,  and Jake flew out, them being the only two available.  And with summer beginning, I had a whole new adventure awaiting.

Reunion Of The Fallen Angels Part 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin