Chapter Eight

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"Wake up!" Andy declares and I respond with a groan "Come on, the bus is almost here"

"Shit, it's tour already?" I sit up, rubbing my eyes

"Yeah so wake up sleepy head" He smiles

"I get out of bed, in a sports bra and sweat pants, but I'm too lazy to put real clothes on. I packed up all my shit the previous night, and it's by the door, so I just wheel two of them out to the living room while Andy wheels the third and my back pack. I go back into my room, or Andy's guest room, and make the bed, and clean up the bathroom. Then I go out to the kitchen, and start doing all the dishes, so there's no mold in the sink when we get back. I go into Andy's room, and make his bed too, because the lazy fucker didn't. Then I walk back out to be greeted by all the guys, tired. The bus pulls up within a few minutes, and honks at us, so I grab my back pack and two suitcases, and bring them on the bus, which even though is clean now, won't be for long. I put my shit by my bed, then go back in and get my other bag, and help Andy gets pillows. I make my bed, as well as Cc, Ashly, and Andy's, then Jinx and Jake make there own.

I shove my suitcase in the storage bunk, deciding that I'll put my clothes away later, then I calapse into bed and collect a few more hours of sleep.


When I wake up it's twelve, and only a few people are up. I walk back into the storage, and grab out my suit cases, which are buried in equipment and stupid random shit. Then I drag them over to my bed, and sit on the floor, putting them all into organized drawers, and emptying it. Then I put all my shoes under my bed, and toss the empty suitcases back into the storage. After taking care of that, I go back and take a shower, preparing myself for the day.

When I get out, I put my hair in a bun, then put on black sweats, a bra, and a black tank top. I don't do my makeup or anything, but I put on my black converse, knowing we're going to eventually go out and buy food for the bus. And as if on cue, the bus stops, and I stumble into a wall, not yet used to bus life. I grab all my shit and walk out of the bathroom, into the living room, then the bus driver declares "We're at the store! You have an hour to go get your shit!"

So I go back and wake up Andy, who ends up protesting and saying he doesn't want to go, so I just go in with Cc, which is a bad idea because we're both hungry, irresponsible fucks. He is more then me though, so I still remember to get some healthy shot. We get a bunch of soda, Gatorade, monster, rock star, alcohol, gushers, fruit snacks, chips, frozen pizzas, Dino nuggets, hot pockets, pizza rolls, mini tacos, microwave burritos, and simple shit that's easy to cook. But we also get some salad stuff, fruit, potato salad, and decently healthy items.

When we get back to the bus, I unload everything, and Cc sits on the couch. I don't really mind though, I like organizing. The next two days are pretty chill, we're just driving down to Texas, then when we finally get there, we meet up with Asking and go to a barbecue place.

"Hey" I greet Ben and he looks at me nervously, I don't know why but we stopped talking and he's always uneasy around me. I hug him anyway and ask, "How've you been?"

"I've been good" but he doesn't ask about me

Picking up on him not wanting to talk to me, I mutter an okay, and continue greeting the rest of the guys. "Hey!" Cameron says to me, and I hug him

We all sit down, catching up, and I continuously feel Ben staring at me, I don't get what I did wrong.

Ben's POV

There she is, setting at the end of the table, smiling so brightly and laughing with everyone. Her hair tied up sloppily in a messy bun, with strands falling around her makeup less face. She is perfect, but I have a wife, and children who I love, that I can't loose. My wife and I never see each other, and when we do we fight a lot. But my little girls, they're everything to me, sometimes thinking about them I want to cry, knowing they're apart of me, I'm so grateful to have them in my world. I have a suspicion she's cheating on me, even though I'm in a band I am a faithful man. That one time I touched her when I was high, Ive felt so guilty ever silence. I have to stay away from her.

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