Chapter Seven

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Today I had a surprise awaiting me. Andy wouldn't tell me what it was, but he told me to dress in clothes I wasn't afraid to get dirty. So I'm wearing a pair of ripped jeans, with a AC/DC crop top, and a white sports bra under it, which you can see when I lift up my arms. My hair is back in French braids, and I'm ready for the day. We get in Andy's car, and it's silent, the only noise is the sound of the playing radio. Then eventually we get to the coast and drive along it, until finally we end up at a beach.

"Why didn't you tell me to bring a bathing suit?" I ask

"I brought you one" he smirks, "but that's not the surprise"

I'm confused now

He runs out of his car, and demands I stay in. Then he goes to the trunk and grabs me out a blind fold, tying it around my head, and leading me somewhere. I hear people whispering and I get anxious, then Andy asks me "Are you ready?" And I say


Then he rips the blind fold off, and I turn around to see Vinnie Banh, Carlos Lastra, and the entire rest of the Revive, Braille, community. I squeal, and cover my mouth, then Aaron and his friends start laughing. I turn to Andy and squeeze him and he starts laughing.

"Are we gonna skate or what" Vinnie smiles

"Fuck ya" I laugh, and then I frown "I don't have my-"

Andy hands me a board he bought and I examine it, I spin the wheels to see how good they and the bearings are then eventually Vinnie says "Don't trip, I picked it out myself"

"Thank you" I smile so widely I think my skin might rip

There's so many people here, I'm nervous and I don't wanna fuck up. "Do a trick" Aaron says "Don't mess up"

"Ah" I groan "It'll he embarrassing if I fall"

"So don't fall" Aaron teases "Don't trip"

I laugh, then throw my board down, all the skaters clear a path, then get out of the way and let me do my thing, as well as do there own thing. I go over the the three stair, Ive never really done stair tricks because I don't like going to skate parks, except for the one by the mall, because people aren't usually there.

"Are you gonna do the three stair?" Vinnie asks me

"Um" I giggle a bit "I've never really done anything down stairs" I admit

"Just try an Ollie then" he says "I can spot you"

"I think I got it" I shrug "Thank you though" I go to the mini ramp, a few feet away from the stairs, then drop in, getting speed to jump the three stair. When I get to it, I Ollie, then kick out because I get scared.

"You just got to commit" Vinnie tells me "you can land it, you just get scared it's gonna hurt if you fall"

"Your right" I sigh, going back

Vinnie stands at the bottom of the stair, he's gonna grab my hand once I jump. I go down the ramp, then Ollie once I get the the edge, and Ollie, I land it and everyone cheers.

"Your right it's just a fear factor" I laugh

"Yeah, here want me to take your phone?" He asks "I'll record for you"

I give him my phone, then drop in, ollieing down the three stair. I land it, then run back up and he takes another video, so I try a shuvit. I land it, and he cheers again. "I think I can do anything down it as long as I don't pussy out"

"Yeah you got this" he smiles, I didn't realize it but there's skaters all around us now

"You should do something so I can record it" I smile and he nods, running up the stairs, then to the ramp. I start recording and he shows off as much as possible. He does like a fucking laser flip, but he falls.

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