Chapter Sixteen

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We're currently in Montana, and I have just finished up my set. I'm all sweaty, and heading back stage, when Cameron comes up to me, weird because he stoped talking to me.

"Hey" he smiles

"Hi...?" I say unsurely

"I thought you could preform with us tonight" he smiles "you haven't in a while"

"We haven't talked at all in a while" I say

"Yeah" he sighs

"Yeah" I agree

"Well do you want to or not?" He asks me and I shrug

"Sure, Not The American Average, and The Black?"

"Sure" he nods walking away, it's not that we hadn't talked, it's just that we stopped hanging out and it seemed like he stopped wanting to be around me

I chill in the green room for about thirty minutes, till eventually I go side stage to wait. Danny calls me on, and I gladly job onto the stage, and he asks into the mic what song I want to do first and I say "The Black"

"Good choice" he chuckles, then Ben hands me a guitar and we jam

"Oh god I wish you'd speak to me! Black is all that I can see!" Danny screams and I smile, I'm getting such adrenaline from my fingers slamming down against the strings

After that song we dive right into Not the American Average, which makes everyone go even wilder. I can tell the audience -just like me- likes the old songs. When the set concludes we all run off the stage together, then Black Veil is on. I'm really happy tonight, or not happy but I'm feeling pretty chill, and content.

"Thanks for playing with us" Ben says side hugging me

"Ew your all sweaty" I pull away, so he takes both of his arms and wraps them around me and I struggle to get away

"We have a few days in Montana so we're getting a hotel" he nods

"Oh sick"


"I wanna go skating then" I tell him "Aaron Kyoto used to live our here so I should call him up and ask which places are best"

"Oh yeah" he nods "You should teach me how to skate"

"Your gonna fall and get hurt and not be able to play the rest of tour" I laugh and he rolls his eyes

"I'm old but I'm not that old"


That night me and Ben share a hotel. I take a shower, and French braid my hair, then sit on the bed while he takes his shower. Then I take out my phone all call Aaron, he gave my his number when we went skating in San Diego.

"Hello" he sings and I can't help but laugh, his voice is so funny

"Hi it's Amanda, from the skate park in-"

"San Diego, ya I remember you, what's up?"

"So I've been watching your videos for a few years, and I've heard you say before that you used to live in Montana"

"Oh yeah I did" he nods "I moved about twelve years ago"

"That's cool" I nod, even though he can't see me "I was just calling cause I'm in Montana right now, and I wanted to know what spots I should hit"

"Oh boy" he laughs "What part are you in?"


"They have a sick skate park there" he informs me "Butte Skatepark"

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