Chapter Twelve

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Hey! It's me Andrew from six flags the other day ;) how are you doing beautiful?

Oh hey! I'm doing good, how are you?

I set my phone down sighing a bit, we have a show tonight, we're still in New Mexico, but the next three days, we're going to be driving to Colorado, and for two nights we're even going to be in a hotel! We're only playing in Denver, then that night I'm staying with my cousins. Then I'm meeting back up with the guys the night after, and we're driving to Wyoming. We're playing Denver on Thursday night, then we're going to play Cheyanne Wyoming Saturday night. Which gives us hella time.

"We're going to the bar after the show, you good to stay in the bus alone?" Jake asks me

"Um... can I just go to the bar with you guys?" I ask and Jake kind of cringes

"Just home please, or Andy will be on edge the whole time"

I roll my eyes "k"

He sighs, then walks out, so I go and take a shower. When I get out, I feel gross and I don't know what to do with my hair. I end up just French braiding it back but I feel like I looks bad and that I fucked it up. Then I prime my face and put on my foundation, but I feel like it's not sticking to my face and it's pissing me off. I end up just doing my makeup and powering through, and at the end it's not that bad. I just do it subtle with light pink eyeshadow and lip balm. Then I decide my hair looks terrible, then blow dry it with a defuser while it's still in the braid. When it's dry, I take it out and my hairs hella kinky and curly and looks really good. I put on my underwear with white spanks, and wear a black misfits sweater with white shorts and my slip on black vans. I know it's cold and all, but I can't play guitar with pants on, because I need it to grip to my leg.

I walk out of the bathroom, and Andy's standing there as if he was about to knock, I smile, then he says, "Your hair looks beautiful"

"Thank you" I sing, then head to my bed, putting all my shit away neatly

I go into the kitchen and make me some pizza rolls, only like ten, before our show. All the guys are rushing to get ready and I'm over here chillin with a Capri sun, and some pizza rolls. I also snag a pack of gushers when I'm done, and put another in my bra for later.

When everyone's finally done, we hull out to the venue. On our way in I eat gushers out of my bra, then while they go to the green room, I go side stage to set up, even though I don't even need to yet.

"Hey" someone says and I turn around

"Oh hi" I smile warmly, it was there tour manager, whom I didn't know why was talking to me

"So Johnny, the band manager asked me to talk to you" he starts and I furrow my eyebrows

"O-Oh? About what?" I'm getting anxiety

"So for Warped Tour this year" my eyes light up "Andy's going to be preforming -just Andy Black- (not the whole band) and they asked him as well, -because they didn't a manager to ask for you- if you wanted to be on Warped Tour this year. Not just as someone who filled in, but as a performer."

"I'd love to!" I smile and he smirks a bit

"Okay, he also asked if you wanted to just share a bus with Andy and Juliet, because it'd be cheaper?" He asks me

"Andy and Juliet are sharing a bus?" I ask

He looks at me with a smirk, as if he thought we were sleeping together or something, "I mean they are husband and wife"

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