** Chapter -{8}**

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Neil: What? This uncle is going to marry my girlfriend? Neil don't let this happen?

Groon: Boss everything is ready?

Boss: Okay! I'm going to sit in madap you bring your bhabhi there?

Groon: Yes boss! They go and bring Avni to the mandap and sit beside the Chandran?

Neil: Who is watching from the side? Oh, no he is going to marry my girlfriend? Neil don't let this happen?

( The marriage is a start and padit start the mantra... Neil give an entry as a hero )

Neil: Stop this marriage? Avni don't worry?

Boss: Who are you man?

Neil: I'm Avni boyfriend?

Boss: What?

Neil: she is my girlfriend, without telling me you kidnapped her?

Avni: She is totally in shock?

Boss: Why should i inform you?

Neil: Because I'm her lover, i have the rights to know why you kidnapped her?

Boss: Her mother insulted me and she sends me to jail? So I'm going to marry her for revenge?

Neil: But why you took my girlfriend? I'd you want revenge you should fight directly with her? You are a useless man?

Boss: Boys... Now tell me who is a useless man?

Neil: He laughs... Did you see your face in the mirror? You're looking like an old man?

Boss: Boys finish him?

Neil: He stops laughing looking at the groons...

Avni: She tried to cut the rope but she can't...

(Pandit continue the mantra, Neil is fighting with goons.... )

Boss: He took the pistol pandit fast?

( Neil who is still fighting with the goons...)

Pandit: Now wear the chain on her neck?

Avni: She shocked?

( He smile and he goes to wear the chain... At the nick time, Neil throws the stone... It hit Chandran hand )

Neil: He goes to Avni... He removes the tape and rope... I told you, you don't have the rights to marry my girlfriend? But you don't listen to my word?

Boss: Who gets angry and he fights with him?

( They both fight..... At the end of the fight Chandran took pistol )

Boss: You chapter close?

Avni: She came in front of Neil and she tries to save him?

( He took the gun and about to shoot but police catch them and arrest them )

( After the action scene )

Neil: Are you mad?

Avni: No!

Neil: Why did you come in front of me?

Avni: If something happens to you then what about me?

Neil: Nothing will happen to me? If happen to you?

( They both are shocked )

Avni: How dare you say I'm your girlfriend?

Neil: Why what wrong in this?

Avni: Look I'm not your girlfriend?

Neil: If you accept or not you are my girlfriend?

Avni: I'm not your girlfriend... Neil just stay away from me? 

Neil: He nodded his head with a smile...

( She gets inside her car and she tries to start her car... It's not working )

Neil: What girl she is? I save her life she doesn't say thanks oppositely she gets angry at me?

( He saw Avni who is having trouble in her car)

Avni: She looks, Neil... Who is wearing a helmet and start his bike...

( She gets down from her car...What a situation i want ask lift to this Neil... Oh God....)

Avni: Neil! Neil!

Neil: Yes!

Avni: My car is not favorable to me?

Neil: So you need a lift?

Avni: She nodded her head?

( Neil gave a lift to Avni... After a few minutes, Neil drop Avni in her home )

Avni: She gets down from the car and walked toward the house...

Neil: What a girl? I help her and saved her life but... Even she didn't say thank to me oppositely she scolded me...

( Avni enter inside the house... Her friends came and huge her )

Friends: Avni where did you go? Did we get worried about you?

Avni: Guys I'm fine! Where is my mom?

( Neela came down shouting the inspector on phone... I don't know anything I want my daughter right now? Do you understand? She saw Avni standing )

Neela: She walks towards Avni and huge her? Avni, are you fine...How did you escape from him?  Did Chandran force you... Tell me Avni?

Avni: Mom relaxes I'm fine... Does nothing happen to me? At the right time, idiot Neil came and save me?

Neela: Neil?

Avni: Yes mom same Neil?

Neela: How he knows you are there?

Avni: I don't ma... At the right time, he came and save me?

Neela: Where he is?

Avni: After leaving me he left...

Neela: At least I should thank him for saving my life...

Avni: Mom no need I feel tired I'm going to take rest...

( In Neil place )

Ram: Neil ! Where did you go? Your phone also switch off?

Neil: He looks ram face... He walks towards ram and started beating him.

Ram: Why are beating me, Neil? What did I do?

Neil: Because of you I accept love challenge. When i accept the challenge that day onwards started my problem. Whenever i try help Avni she thinks me I'm trying to take advantage of her?

Ram: In this matter what is my mistake?

Neil: Don't you ram what is your mistake...This all happen, Because of you, i adjust her attitude and anger? But not either more..... I won't ever tolerate Avni...

Ram: Cooldown Neil! Girls always have an attitude but we should change attitude into love...

Neil: Ram doesn't talk anymore... I won't ever want your advice... I drop this love challenge i accept in the losser.

Ram: But Neil.... What if I'm trying to say?

Neil: Ram I'm not interested to listen... That final i drop the challenge..

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