** CHAPTER - {21} **

802 106 13

( Avni goes to London and join in a company... Neil become an army man and a very ruled and strict... Now he is major Neil )

( After a few months, and gave birth to a baby girl... She named as siya... My little princess came... Now my happiness will return... )

( Flash back ends )

( In present )

Neil: He came back to sense and he had tears in his eyes... I miss you avni... Please come back to me...

(DD came to see neil in his room)

DD: Neil how you feeling?

Neil: Much better... DD when i can go home?

DD: Neil now only I meet doctors, he told me that you want to be a stay one more day?

Neil: What? I want to stay one more day? I can't DD? I'm getting bore here?

DD: But neil, you want to stay? Just one-day yaar... It runs fast?

Neil: Saying is easy... If you lying on the bed for a whole day without doing any work then you will feel my trouble?

DD: He smiles... Well, neil I don't want to do this? Better I leave I meet you tomorrow?

Neil: DD listen... He left without listing my words... Now tomorrow also I want to be in this hospital? Very bad condition neil...😒😒😒😒😒

( In London )

John: Avni here is your fight ticket and passports...

Avni: Thanks, John...

John: Avni will come to pick at night...Be ready?

Avni: She nodded her head... Does she call a rose?

Rose( Staff): Yes avni madam?

Avni: Where is siya?

Rose: Madam she is sad and she didn't even have milk?

Avni: Is it? 

( She enter siya room and Siya sat sadly )

Avni: She goes near to her? Oh, my princess is sitting here? I was searching for my princess in the house? I have good news...

Siya: She doesn't respond?

Avni: She took her and make her sat on her lap? What happens, princess?

Siya: She hugs her tightly?

Avni: What happens princess tell me?

Siya: Angel today in school they kept a running race... I also join and I can't come first? I'm the last in the race...

Avni: This is the matter? She smiles... Princess if you last that not a matter... You tried to win that the matter... Last is always a success step... Look at me even im also the last studies and sports it's no matter for me... My princess always best...

Siya: With a smile, she huge and I love you, angel...

Avni: I love more, more, more my Princess...

Siya: Angel what good news?

Avni: We are going to Delhi?

Siya: She gets excited... Is it's an angel...

Avni: Yes, so doesn't have much time we have a pack of our things... So let's start our packing...

( They both pack they bags and had dinner and left for the airport)

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