** CHAPTER - {19} **

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(Neil leaves for Delhi and reached Jaipur )

The new place he doesn't know anyone in this place... He feels like along... He misses his parents for the first time in the city... Which was unknown to him...

No one to help him... He was very hungry but he doesn't have money... He struggles more to survive in Jaipur... He thinks has punishment because of him avni suffer more...

( Days passes, neil is still struggling and in Delhi, Avni and jai engagement is fixed )

One day, neil is crossing the road suddenly he falls unconscious on the road and someone helps him and admitted in the hospital...

After some times neil opens his eyes, he saw DD who was standing in front of him...

DD - Neil what happens to you? I can't imagine you are in this condition?

Neil: He didn't say a word?

DD: When did you come here? And what condition is this?

Neil: With the teary eyes he explained everything to DD?

DD: He is totally shocked? This much things happen and you didn't say anything to me?

Neil: If i tell what you will do?

DD: Neil just look at you? You are drunken and you fall on the road?

Neil: I'm a failure person, i don't have anything in my life everything was taken... I'm nothing...

DD: He slaps neil? Neil, you didn't fail in your life... What did you see in your life and telling you failed in your life? Everyone has past and you also have a past... Now you want more strong not more week... Now your aim should be on your strength... Now tell me what you want to become?

Neil: I don't have any aim DD?

DD: Neil think... Don't say like this? Think you will get something?

Neil: He thinks for a few minutes... DD i want to join in the army...

DD: In the army...

Neil: Why? Any problem?

DD: No it's a good choice but i thought something else...

Neil: It's was avni dream... Once avni told me that she loves army but im a girl cant join the army so... But i want to join the army at least I will stay away from Avni thought...

DD: Okay, if you would like to join in the army i will help you to become an army man...But neil it's not easy to become an army man... They are many procedures... First, you should be fit physically and mentally...

Neil: DD im ready to anything... Nothing is impossible for me?

DD: That the spirit neil... Today it's we both leave for Kashmir...

Neil: Kashmir?

DD: Yes, in Kashmir my chief kamal sir he will help you?

( DD and neil left for Kashmir )

( After 3 month In Delhi)

( Avni house engagement day )

Neela: She order staff to check everything is ready? Does she call Seetha?

Seetha: Gi madam?

Neela: Check Avni is ready or not?

Tara: No need for that i will check Avni?

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