** CHAPTER - {26} **

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(Avni return to London and neil return to Kashmir)

6 months later............

( In London )

( Avni is working in the office and she gets a call from Siya school and she rushed to see her )

( In school )

( Avni enter school and park her car and run towards the principle room )

Avni: Father! Where is my daughter? You said that my daughter is injured? I want to see her?

Father: Avni, relax nothing serious? She is fine?

Avni: Where is my daughter's father?

Father: In our medical room? Come with me?

( Father took avni to the medical room )

Avni: She shocked to see with the injury on her head? She goes near to her? Princess look angel came?

Siya: She is unconscious?

Avni: Father what happened to my daughter why is not opening her eyes?

Father: Avni, she is unconscious? She is very adamant to treat her? So, we gave Anastasia...

Avni: But father she is small children?

Father: Don't worry, we gave less doss she will get conscious in 2 hours?

Avni: How did this happen, father?

Father: Oh actually, her classmates tease her... Because of her, her father left her mom... Because she is an unlucky girl for her father?

Avni: She is shocked? What?

Father: By hearing these harsh words, Siya fights with the boys and got injuries...

Avni: How dare the boys can talk like this? Father, i don't know i want the boys should punish? Who teases my daughter they all should suspend from this school?

Father: Avni i can't do that? I can understand as a mother you can't see your daughter like this? But i warned them?

Avni: No father, they should suspend? How can i believe your words?

Father: I make sure that your daughter will be safe and no one will hurt her? I promise you?

Avni: With teary eyes, she nodded her head...

( Avni took Siya in her arms and left for her house )

( After a few minutes, both reached home and avni make her sleep on the bed and she sat on her side )

( After looking her avni fall asleep... Siya got a nightmare and shout angel... Angel...)

Avni: She wakes up from sleep? She switches on the light... What happens, princess?

Siya: Angel... Angel... With shivering voice?

Avni: Princess open your eyes angel is with you?

Siya: She opens her eyes and huge avni very tightly...

Avni: Nothing happens princess, the angel is with you?

Siya: Angel please help me? Help me?

Avni: She consoles siya, made her sit on her lap and wipe her tears... Does Princess look at me? What happens?

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