Chapter 24: Finally Caught Up

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My silent treatment with Finch lasted three days. I let Finn sleep with me but I put a wall of pillows between us. We still managed to wake up cuddling though. I was naturally drawn to him. Even in my sleep. I didn't talk to him but he didn't seem to mind. He knew I wasn't a happy camper and he let me be. It made me like him a little bit more.

But I could stay mad at Finch as long as I could stay mad at Shasta-not at all. Especially since she's being an emotional wreck right now. Even when she pisses me off I still can't stay mad. I love my mom and siblings don't get me wrong but Finch is the only person on this planet that has never hurt me.

Yeah she drugged me to leave but I know she was just looking out for my best interest. I know I wouldn't have been much help with my injury but it didn't mean I wasn't butthurt about it.

I watched Finch and Tommy, talking and smiling together. He made her so happy, just like Grayson made me happy. Finch liked Tommy the second she saw him. Even if he was dirty and on the starving side. But now that he's healthy and doesn't smell like death her attraction to him is even stronger.

She touched the side of his face, his hand coming up to hold hers as they looked into each other's eyes.


My best friend is in love.

I guess they really will be staying with us in Australia.

Finn walked over and plopped down on the couch with them and all three of them began talking and laughing.

I gazed at Finn, I couldn't help it. He's finally filled out and glowing too.

He was a good looking dude. I've never really looked at every detail of his face but for most of the time he's been with us he was pretty much a skeleton anyways so I couldn't really tell. But he was really attractive.

He wasn't really manly looking or ruggedly handsome. I guess in a way he does look manly, but just enough to keep him from having a full-on baby face. Like he's angular enough to look like a man but also looks somewhat soft and inviting and kind.

His nose was a bit long and strong but not too big to be distracting. His whole face was made up of his giant and goofy smile and his eyes were a unique and beautiful green that I've never seen before. He had nice lips too. Full and soft and an attractive dark pink. And his haircut made him look even better too.

He was really attractive. Definitely out of my league. Yet for some reason he wants to be with me. I don't get it. Back to my point he looks so much healthier now. Color in his skin and there were no longer bags under his eyes. And you could barely see his ribs anymore. He looks so much better than he did when he first came to stay with us.

Our whole group is doing so well now. They're doing good for how bad they looked when we first saved them. Both the girls and Tommy too. They were almost as healthy as Finch and I are.

And Finn was such a handsome man, he really was. And he was all mine if I could just get over my reservations of being with someone again. Of being with someone I could potentially lose.

I just don't want to get more attached than I already am and end up losing him. And I could say I'm taking my time and believe it but the second he touches me or kisses me or even just cuddles me I know I'm fucked.

I do my best to fight what I feel and suppress it and even convince myself for a moment that it's true and I can keep myself at a safe distance from him but I know it's all bullshit. Even if I try my hardest to believe it all I'm really doing is avoiding my problems like a little bitch and acting a bit like a drama queen. And that's really out of character for me too.

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