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Two Month Later

" Girl you a hater!" Laae says smaking her lips.

Dee looks at me and we start busting out laughing.

" Aye both y'all some haters foreal when I get on top y'all won't be laughing than." Laae looked hurt. Which made us laugh more.

  The past couple of months have been good. I get paid every weekend which resulted in me being able to get an apartment. I officially move in next weekend. Dee and I haven't spoke on our two hot moments, and there hasn't been anymore since.
  Which I'm fine with. Bringing it up may cause awkward tension in the shop, or when we're all out together. I've talked to my best friend and she claims I'm either gay or bisexual. I just don't know. My birthday is coming up and I'm so excited we're having a kick back at the mama dukes house. Dee and I have gotten closer over time. I've learned she doesn't speak much, and she gets straight to the point.

" Aye Dek ride with me to my crib." Dee says still chuckling.

I look around the shop my job is done so I get my jacket and leave out with her. We get into the car and drive off.

" Laae is something I tell you." Dee says.

" She really is. That's yo best friend." I say

" Yeah my rollie." The conversation drowns into the music playing in the background.

"Lemme tell you bout this situation
I've been feeling so unappreciated
Everything I do, it ain't enough
I done been lied to
I done fell in love" I sing to the song

I can hear Dee singing. I switch my seating in the seat and see her mouth moving. She sounded good from what I could hear.
We pull up to her house. I really loved her house it was so pretty. It was a grey bricked house with a sun room before the main house and it was three stories counting the basement she calls her 'man cave'. We get out the car and walk into her house, I sit in the living room as she walks to the back. Flipping through channels I decided to watch Martin. Five minutes into it she comes out and sits on the other side of the couch.

" Why we come here again?" I say.

She stays quiet. I've learned that; that's her way of telling me to mind my business. I continue to watch Martin until a knock comes to the door. Dee gets up and goes to open it.I try to listen to the conversation but it's all mumbling. I turn around and see Dee closing the door she walks back in. I realize there's someone behind her. It's a little girl. She was so beautiful her chocolate skin glowed while her curly fro flowed down her back. She looked so cute and chubby. She hid behind Dee as they approach the couch.

" Deka this is Starr she's my daughter." Dees words were muted as I am amazed she has a daughter.

Starr pokes her head out to see what I look like before going back hidden and giggling. She was so cute. Dee sat down after telling Starr to go play in her room for awhile.

" Daughter huh?" I say.

" Yeah, I helped raise her she's ten percent mine in DNA. I had her with my ex." She said so calm.

Starr comes back out with a barbie head that I haven't seen since I was eight years old.

" Wood who like to pay wit mae?" She spoke.

I nodded my hair before grabbing the head out of her hand. Dee gets up and goes into the kitchen as I play with Starr. She was telling me she just turned five and her daddy is Dee and how she loves her aunti Laae. She was so cute I swear she made my baby fever reach max. I start to smell food cooking so I get up and walk into the kitchen to see Dee cooking something inna pot.

" Smells good." I sniff the air dramatically.

" It's seafood Gumbo." She said lifting the lid and stirring it.

An hour goes by before Dee announces the food is done. We eat and it was time for Starr to go back home. Her nanny came and picked her up. Dee cleans the dinning room table off. I help her wash the dishes.

" There's a party tonight would you be my guest ?" She asked putting the last dish in the rack.

" Yes sure, but I don't have anything to wear." I say looking at my clothes.

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