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Unknown Pov

"Wake up Bitch" I splash cold water in her face.

She looks up at me in fear. Her eyes were bloodshot red.

" You thought shit was sweet huh?" I say.
"Huh Bitch. You thought you would take my bitch and y'all would be happy?" I slap her causing her to whine out and blood fling from her nose.

" She was mi-*Starr Cries*" I get up and walk back up the steps as Deka whimpers and struggles to get out the chair.

I pick up Starr out of her high chair.

" Werres Deka? Werres me Daddy? Who are wu?" She starts to whine. I star at her and smile.

" I am your mommy." I say pushing her curls out of her face and kissing her forehead.

"HELLLLLP Someone HELLLP!" Deka screams.

" Mommy gottah go handle something sit here and watch cartoons okay?" I say giving her a sippy cup and some teddy grams.

  She nodes and waddles into the living room sits and watches Mickey Mouse. I focus my attention back on Deka. She cries out, echoing back and forth against the walls. I get more aggravated and sock her in the jaw causing her to pass out. Wiping the blood off my knuckles and looking at her almost lifeless body. A grin appears on my face. I began to start cutting her hair piece by piece. I stop and go back upstairs checking on Starr.

"Wanna go to the mall with mommy?" I ask sitting next to her as she makes a mess with the juice.

"Mall MAALL yes." She jumps with excite.

I help her lace her shoes and we walk out my front door hand in hand. Strapping her in the car seat and pulling off, we head to the mall.

Deka Pov:

I hear the front door shut and I try to come out of my daze and focus. Blood drips from my head and jaw. I look around to see if I can find anything to help and I can't find shit. I trying busting the chair. Nothing. I began to give up when I hear a phone ring. It was a few feet into the darkness. I try to scoot the chair into its direction but it was no use. The chair was to heavy. I sit and cry as the phone goes off a few times. After the third calling it stops. I sit and give up. Praying Starr is okay. Fuck me getting out alive, I need to get her out safe.

"Hey Siri." I say.


Dee Pov:
Few days later...

I've sent out an Amber alert on both Starr and Deka. Maria is pissed at me and my mother is constantly calling asking if I've seen them. She blames Deka. She never liked her anyway. The police haven't found anything. They say they need more information, but I already don't trust them of it is. For all i know they kill me and say I went looking for them both is missing to. Another unsolved case. I get knocked out of my thoughts to my phone ringing its and unknown number.I ignore it and go back into the living room where a lady officer was standing looking around. Her hair was jet black and her ponytail touched her back. Her badge number was 283 and read 'Miller' she looked familiar but I couldn't see where from.

" Hello." I approach her.

" Hi I'm Jessica Miller, my partner had to leave said it was a family emergency. I'm just here to ask a few questions. May we sit?" Her tone of voice was subtle.

" Yeah Yeah. Let's sit at the kitchen table." I say leading into the dining room.

" Okay, so where were you at the time." She gets straight into it.

"Handling business." I say blunt.

"Sir-Imma Bitch you know that you read my files." I interrupt her.

" Calm down Ms.?" She said as a question, I roll my eyes. " I'm gonna need more information on the night to help you. Anything you have to be completely honest for us to be able to find her."

" This ain't about me, find my daughter and girlfriend." I semi yelled.

She closes the folder and rest her hands on it taking in a deep breath. I roll my eyes and rub my temples with my eyes close. I feel her graze my hand an wrist and stroke down to my forearm.

" I know your stressed and you miss your daughter . The pain is weighing on you and i'm sorry. " She said in a seductive tone.

" Yeah, Detective Miller and my girlfriend. " I said bluntly.

She rubs my forearm getting closer to me. I jerk her hands off and get up.

" If your not gonna help me you can get yo ass up out my shit yah dig?" I yelled getting more and more furious

She rolled her eyes, and smirked at me in a mischievous way. Gave me goosebumps. She cocked her head to the side and her smile turned into a serious glare.

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