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Writers POV

Deka attempts to get the siri to call Dee but its no use she ignored the call. She cries struggling to get out of the chair. When the front door is heard upstairs followed by footsteps. Jessica and Starr we're back. Deka pretends to be sleep when Jessica opens the basement door. She slowly walks down the stairs. Peers out of the darkness , walking in front of Deka, grinding. Deka looks up in despair.

" Deka, our girlfriend misses you." Jessica gets into Deka face.

Dekas eyes began to water but not a tear would fall, she replays memories and prays silently hoping god would hear her cries. Jessica grips Dekas face making her look at her and spits in it. Deka's tears fall combining with the spit and Jessica laughs her breathe lingers with alcohol. Jessica throws her face back causing the   chair to fall back making a loud crash against the concrete floor. Dekas head bashes against the floor and blood began to trickle out of the gash. Jessica walks to the table, grabbing a rag and a gallon of water. Walking back over to an almost unconscious Deka she puts the rag on her face and drowns her in water. Deka soon passes out so Jessica stops and picks her back up, slapping her face to wake her up.

Deka comes back to consciousness, remembering where she is and cries. Jessica continues this method untill a pool of blood is around them.

Dees POV:
A Week Later::
I lay in bed staring at the clock that seems like it hasn't change in hours untill I get a call. It was Officer Jessica. I roll my eyes before answering.

" Speak." I bark into the phone.

"Hi this is- I know who this is what do you want." I interrupt her.

" We think we know where your daughter is. We got a anonymous tip that she was with a young adult woman at CastleWood Mall who matched the description of your girlfriend. Only difference was the young woman had short hair. Do you know if Ms. Stones was ever attached to your daughter on a deeper level? " She explains as i get out of bed.

I began to pace back and forth in frustration. My head spins with memories trying to read the signs. Why would she do something like this. After all I've done for her.

" Hello are you still there?" She interrupts my thoughts.

" Yes, I have to go." Not letting her protest hanging up.

I get more and more pissed as anger flows through my veins. I throw on some sweats and Dekas slides. I go to the trap an see Laae smoking a backwood and getting a lap dance from her personal dancer, Kia. I dap her up before going to my office. I get on my computer not knowing why I haven't done this sooner. I open the software tracking Starr every location. Through a necklace I gave her when she was a baby I see where she is the neighborhood looked familiar. I suit up and began to drive to the location as i get closer the streets really began to look familiar. I get heated when I realize where I am. I park the car down the street and look at the house. My ex lived here. How in the fuck. I bust through the door and see Starr sitting on the couch drinking more than likely apple juice and eating animal crackers. She notices me and and her face lights up.

" Daddy Daddy I missed you." She jumps into my arms and I almost fall into pure tears.

I hold her until I hear foot steps behind me. I put her down and turn around to see Officer Jessica. She stares at me with that mischievous grin.

" Lets not do this in front of our baby." She slightly chuckles walking down the hall.


Dee runs down the court ready to shoot a  free throw and makes it just as the buzzer goes off. Every one cheers as her teammates lift her. Jessica comes and runs from the crowd as they put Dee down and kisses her. Dee pushes her away and gives her the most disgusted face. Everyone is in awe by what she was about to say.

"I'm not yo niggah you dumb ass bitch get em the fuck on. You stalking ass bitch." Dee yells.

Half the room goes quiet as Jessica's eyes began to tear up,

"You will regret this. Ouu will you regret your words. I'm not letting you go. I made you who your were." She yells.

Running out the gym she gets in her car and drives home.

I kiss Starrs forehead before telling her to stay here i'll be back. I closed the living room doors and speed walk down the hall. The anger in me boils as i starts opening  and slamming doors. The last door was the kitchen as i fling it open a kitchen knife is flung into my direction missing me by a hair. I lunge at her with full force knocking her into the fridge and watching her fall. I continue to dig into her face. When I hear Starr scream. I look up to see her almond brown eyes watching me kill someone.

" Starr go into the other room!" I yell.
I was watching her as a sharp pain hits my left temple. Jes gets up and knocks me to my feet.

Writers POV:

Starr gets up from the couch and waddles into the kitchen wanting to refill her juice. She sees Dee hovering over the strange lady with blood all over her hands. She yells for juice,making Dee look up and tell her to get out. Jessica comes conscious of her surroundings and hits Dee with a pan standing up. She takes the gun out of Dees waistband and aims at her. Pointing the gun at Dee , not realizing Starr was in the room. Starr screams again, scaring Jessica and pointing the gun at Starr and shooting missing by a inch scaring Starr making her jump and run out of the room. Dee punches Jessica knocking her hard against the counter striking her into her face. Dee has had enough, she grabs the gun let's it loose into Jessica chest. Blood splattered on the creme white walls as Jessica body drops to the ground making a loud thud. Dee wipes her face and walks looking for Starr and Deka.

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