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Tina darted away from Newt, quickly making her way out of the case. She quickly made her way into her room and changed into her pajamas. She unclasped the necklace she had been wearing and dropped it into her jewelry box. Then she crawled onto her bed, pulling her blankets over her head.

Newt loves me? she wondered. What does this mean? I've never been loved before and I've never loved anyone before. I don't think I love him but, of course, I've always found him so fascinating. Maybe I do love him but I just don't realize that's what this feeling is. 

Tina rolled over and snuggled down into her blankets. She wasn't sure what would happen the next time she saw Newt but she knew she couldn't worry about it. Letting out a sigh, she felt herself relax slightly before drifting off to sleep.

Newt ran a hand through his hair, making it even messier than it had been. He had been standing motionless for several minutes, staring at the door of the shed. He wasn't sure if he had made the right decision. Maybe it would have been better if I didn't tell her. Maybe I should have just told her I couldn't explain.

But it was too late for that. He hadn't been able to stop himself and now she knew how he felt. She hadn't seemed to take the news too badly but he wasn't sure what would happen in the morning. He was nervous, afraid of how this revelation would affect their relationship. What if she's so creeped out by the thought of me loving her that she doesn't want anything to do with me? Or what if she's so disgusted by the thought of having been in a relationship with me that we'll never be able to rebuild it.

He let out a shaky sigh, willing himself to move. He slowly finished feeding his creatures. Then he made his way out of his case and changed into his pajamas. He switched off the light and slipped into his bed.

Newt tried to go to sleep but there was something preventing him. Something, a mere shadow of a thought, was nagging him, sitting in the back of his mind, waiting for him to remember what it was. He rolled over, staring into the darkness. He felt like there was something he had forgotten. Is there something I neglected to tell Tina? he wondered. Or maybe I--

Suddenly, he shot upright with a gasp. 

"That's what it was," he breathed.

A small frown formed on his forehead. It's not such a big problem. Even if she sees it, she won't know it's significant.

He pulled his knees up to his chest and hugged them, sinking into thought.

Well, it would be nice to have it for later, just in case, he decided.

Slowly letting go of his legs, he hesitantly climbed out of his bed. Picking his wand up from his dresser, he carefully made his way out of his room.

"Lumos," he murmured.

The tip of his wand lit up and he carefully slid the door to Tina's room open. He could hear her soft snoring coming from the direction of her bed.

Good. She's asleep.

Newt quickly began his silent search of Tina's room. A few, short minutes later, he found what he was looking for. He held it closer to his light, examining it.

There we go, he thought. Then he pocketed it before moving towards the door. Then he hesitated. Turning slowly, he crept closer to Tina's bed, keeping his wand pointed away from her so that the light wouldn't wake her up.

Tina lay curled up in the bed, her blankets pulled up to her chin. She had one hand tucked under her cheek, the other resting on the pillow beside her read. Her hair was covering her face and Newt couldn't stop himself from gently pushing it away. Her expression was peaceful, her long eyelashes resting on her cheeks. A tiny smile graced her lips.

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