Chapter Three

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*And if I'm on the road for another thousand years or so, I hope you know, a part of me is at home. And I've traded brick for straw in the house I've built around my heart, so when you came it wouldn't be so tough. No huff and puff will dismantle us, no huff and puff will dismantle us.*

-Bayside, Landing Feet First

Roxanne's P.O.V.

One month later

Everything had been absolutely amazing between Brian and I; we were both developing real and serious feelings for each other. Nights we didn't spend together were few and far between. We had been seeing each other more and more, ever since we started dating. In fact, by now we spent almost every single spare moment together. Work events, trying new restaurants, simple walks at night, movies at either of our apartments. Any excuse to be together; things were perfect.

Tomorrow however, would be Brian's first time on tour with the guys, since we had been together. He had asked me to come along, which I would have in a heartbeat, but there was no way I could get the time off from school. Our first night apart would last six weeks long, and we opted to spend our last night together before he left, cuddled in bed watching movies.

The next morning I woke up to find that a huge pit of dread had formed in my stomach overnight. I had grown ridiculously attached to Brian in the past few weeks. Not only was I going to miss him like crazy, since I was so used to being around him almost 24/7 - but I couldn't help worrying about him being around all kinds of strange females who were insanely attracted to him. I trusted him, but I was still a little scared nonetheless.

"Morning," Brian said, yawning. "Did you sleep okay?" He asked.

"Morning." I replied. "I slept great. Did you?"

"Yes baby," he said. He kissed me and sat up to stretch. He glanced at his phone, and shot off a couple texts, presumably to the guys. "It's ten, you want to hurry up and get dressed so we can leave?"

We got dressed and left, lugging Brian's bags that I had helped him pack the past two days. I think he had picked up on how apprehensive I was feeling; I definitely wasn't my normal self this morning, and he grabbed my hand as we drove, stroking it with his thumb the whole way there. Sooner than I hoped, we had arrived and Brian had parked and began unloading. He tugged his suitcase from the backseat, heaving it on the ground. 

"Fuck. I think I over-packed." He grumbled. I looked over at him, laughing, and he tossed his keys at me. "You going to be okay to drive home?" He asked. We had taken Brian's Jeep.

"Yeah, I'll get her straight home... right after I do some off-roading." I joked. 

"Don't you dare!"

"Maybe just a little mudding?" I teased.

"No! No mud. No dirt. No off-roading. But if you really wanna have some fun, feel free to run her through the car wash."

"Oh that's so much fun." I replied sarcastically. "I'll take good care of her, I promise." I said, laughing.

We walked in and sat on a bench in front of an entire wall of windows, facing the runway. We were quiet for a few minutes while Brian texted Sal to see if he and the other guys had made it here yet. After, we set the numerous bags down and grabbed some breakfast, since we were a little early. When we were finished eating, Brian grabbed onto me and slid me across the bench, into his lap. 

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