Chapter Eleven

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*A second chance doesn't mean you're in the clear. In many ways, it is the more difficult thing. Because a second chance means that you have to try harder.*

-Ling Ma, Severance

Brian's P.O.V

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed were the blinding overhead lights. I squinted and blinked slowly, trying to fully wake up and become aware of my surroundings. As I looked around in my state of confusion, I noticed the tubes and wires attached to my body. I was hooked up to monitors, and an iv fed a steady drip of something into my hand. I was laying down. In a bed. I was no longer wearing my own clothes, instead I now sported a fashionable blue and white hospital gown. I felt like shit. My head was pounding and I was desperately thirsty.

Someone was touching me. I still hadn't even started to sit up yet and I felt as if the only thing I could even move, were my eyes. The next thing I saw caused my heart to skip a beat and my breath catch in my throat. Roxanne; she was actually here. She was standing over me crying, and gently running her fingers through my hair. Our eyes met and she cried out my name in surprise, leaning down and pressing her lips to mine without a second's hesitation. I felt her hot tears on my cheek, and she told me over and over again, how much she loved me.

She warned me - in between tears - that if I ever scared her like that again, she would kill me herself. She crawled into the bed with me, crushing herself against my chest, sobbing still. In disbelief, and still trying to get my bearings and make sense of what was happening, I reached my shaky arms up and put them around her, holding her to me as tightly as possibly. I couldn't even begin to put into words what I felt, seeing Roxanne again for the first time in three months - especially after what I had done last night. I was an emotional wreck right now, and I just felt completely drained and vulnerable.

"I love you," I told her softly. My voice was clogged with sleep and my throat was killing me. Hearing me speak only made her cry even harder, and I stroked her hair gently, feeling terrible and guilty that she was upset. "Shh," I whispered hoarsely, pressing my lips to the top on her head. "Shh. I'm okay." I assured her. "I'm right here." After a few minutes, I tried again to speak. "I need to talk to you," I managed. I still sounded so weak and shaky.

"You need to rest," Roxanne said, brushing tears from her eyes. "Sleep, baby. We can talk later... we have all the time in the world."

Her voice... hearing her call me baby - it was the sweetest sound - the best thing I'd ever heard in my life. 

"If I close my eyes, will you still be here when I wake up?" I mumbled, sleepily.

I didn't want to fall asleep - not right now. I desperately wanted to stay awake and talk to Roxanne; I just wanted to keep looking at her. But I was drained, and I was struggling to keep my eyes open. I tried my best to fight the sleep, not wanting to let Roxanne out of my sight.

"Are you kidding? I'm not leaving you, Brian. I'm not going anywhere; I'll be right here," she reassured me. "You're shivering, baby." She said softly. She snuggled closer to me, pulling the blanket around us and tucking it under my chin. "Are you warm enough," she asked, rubbing my arms.

I simply nodded, too spent to say anything else. Roxanne kissed me on the head and my eyes started to flutter shut. I wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep almost immediately  to her stroking my hair.


"Hey you," Roxanne said quietly. "You're finally awake, sleepy head."

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