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*You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.*

-C.S. Lewis

Roxanne's P.O.V.

Three years later

I am thirty years old. It has been six years since I met Brian. We have amazing friends, a gorgeous home, and our very own little family. We have managed to build an amazing life together over the years, and we have more love for each other and our kids than anyone we have ever met.

Kira, who is four now, has been a total daddy's princess since day one. I know how much Brian loves being a father, and shortly after Kira's first birthday, he began begging me for another baby. That was something I hadn't even considered up until then, but a few months after we began trying, I was able to happily tell Brian I had good news for him. Right from the second I told him I was pregnant again, he instantly became just as excited as he had been with Kira, and jumped right into protective mode again. Our little boy Kieran, is two now, and after he was born, I told Brian I was done with babies, but - who really knows?

At times, back when I was still a new, young mom, I'll admit I made a lot of mistakes when it came to parenting. But not once, did Brian ever lapse from being the best father our children could ever have. Since day one, Brian has been the single most loving father that our kids could ever hope for. He does not yell, he is always calm, and patient. No matter how busy his schedule gets, he has always made sure to keep the three of us first. Our kids love him just as much as I do, and they are absolutely obsessed with their daddy. Every time I look at them, it makes me want to break down into tears, because they remind me so much of Brian. They look just like him, especially Kira, who's his little twin - and Kieran who definitely has his personality. I hope beyond hope that one day, my children find someone they are even half as happy with, as I am with their father.

It was a long, difficult road, especially after becoming a mom, but nevertheless, I graduated from school three years ago, and have been working at the best veterinarian clinic in NYC for the past two years now. I even convinced Brian to let me start fostering some of the animals. Two months ago, I brought home a tiny gray pit bull puppy under the guise that I would some day be finding him a forever home, however I knew within an hour of bringing him home that he wouldn't be leaving. Kira and Kieran fell in love with him, and he was working on slowly winning over Brian and the cats. I knew he was officially in the day I came home and found Brian napping on the couch with him, tucked under the blanket together. Right now, we also had two abandoned kittens I had taken in. Over the past year, we had fostered cats, dogs, birds, and even baby skunks, possums and raccoons. Our house was a zoo at times, but the kids - and especially Brian, absolutely loved it.

One of the best parts of my entire life was finding out I was going to be an aunt. Two years ago, after tying the knot with Sal, Emily found out she was pregnant, and nine months later, gave birth to their son. They named him Santana - Sonny for short. I was beyond excited for him to grow up with Kira and Kieran, who had become fast friends with Milana and Remo. I knew Sonny would fit right in, and the five of them would end up being great friends - just like their fathers. Now, we only needed to work on getting them at least one last cousin, from Uncle Murr. About six months ago, I had introduced him to my good friend Danielle, who he hit it off with immediately, so I was actually hopeful it might happen soon.

Even though Brian and I have both made mistakes, we never gave up on each other. I've learned that love includes a lot of forgiveness, patience, and kindness. And it pays off. The life I have with Brian is so much better than anything I could have possibly hoped for myself. Never in my wildest dreams did I dare to hope that I would some day be married to my best friend. As if that weren't amazing enough, we don't just have each other, but we have the most perfect little family too. Despite the struggles and fights that Brian and I have faced throughout our relationships, our life together is absolutely perfect now, and there is not a single thing I would ever change about it.

Brian's P.O.V.

Even six years later, I still wake up every single day, amazed that this is actually my life. I still find it incredibly hard to believe that it's possible for me to be this happy. After everything I've been through, I finally got my happy ending with Roxanne. I can't believe that woman put up with all the shit I put her through, but I am proud to say I had not fucked up once since the night of the car accident. Not only that, but I hadn't gotten scared, flighty, panicky, anxious, or any other negative emotion involving my relationship either. Really, things had been perfect.

Not only did Roxanne make me the happiest man alive, but she had set my best friend up with a woman that was just as amazing as she was. I had never seen Sal so happy in my life. He was so insanely in love with Emily, and I knew she felt the same way. She treated him like gold and made him an amazing husband and father. I'll never forget the look on his face the day Santana was born. I'm sure it was the exact same look that had been on my face when I first saw Kira and Kieran. I knew that Sal - like I, was a changed man the second he held his baby. 

I literally watched him change; it was amazing what a family could do for you. I was so happy and proud that Sal made me an uncle again, and I remember the first time I ever held Sonny too; it felt just like I was holding one of my own babies. Kira and Kieran loved their cousin so much, and I knew they would grow up as close as Sal and I. As if that weren't enough, Roxanne even - somehow, managed to dig up another friend for Murr. Danielle was so nice and funny, and very beautiful. She was a great addition to our group, and she was perfect for Murr. He was so happy and the strangest part, was that Danielle seemed like she was actually really into him. For his sake, I hoped that it worked out.

I never in my life imagined that me eating breakfast that day, all those years ago, would end up being the first day of the rest of my life. I was amazed each and every day at the fact that this stunningly gorgeous woman wanted me. She could've had anyone - could've married anyone - and she chose me. God knows why, but I wasn't going to start questioning the universe now. The only thing I would ever change, was that I wish I had met her sooner. I wish I could have had more time with her. Shit, six lifetimes still wouldn't be enough. But even if we only had one year together, I would take that one year with her in a heartbeat, over those six lifetimes with anyone else.

I hear Kira calling me, she's ready for mommy and daddy to read her a bedtime story. My favorite time of the night. I've had a long, stressful day at work, and finally there is nothing left to do but get in bed and cuddle with my family. I walk into mine and Roxanne's room, where her and my son and daughter are already tucked under the covers. We made it a habit for our babies to sleep with us at least once a week, even though it's usually much more frequent than that. Kira's been my little shadow ever since she learned to crawl, and still nothing has changed.

Despite Roxanne worrying about our kids sharing the bed ruining our sex life, that hadn't happened in the slightest. I was proud to say that my wife and I can't keep our hands off of each other, and we were just as hot and heavy as we were when we very first began sleeping together.

Roxanne has Kieran on her chest, rubbing his back, and Kira laying next to her. I get under the covers and lean over, kissing them all. As soon as I lay back, Kira immediately snuggles up to me. I kiss her head, and hold her against me tightly.

If this was Saturday night a few years ago, I would be in the bar, trying to pick up some random woman to feel affection for a couple of hours. Now I'm in bed at 9 p.m. cuddled up with my family - and I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's funny, because sometimes life has a way of knowing what you need before you do. I pick up Where the Wild Things are, Kira's favorite book - and start to read.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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