Chapter Two

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*If people were rain, then I was drizzle and she was a hurricane.*

-John Green, Looking for Alaska

Roxanne's P.O.V.

I let myself into my apartment, heaving my backpack on the floor with a sigh. It had been a hell of a long day at school. At twenty-four, I was six years through the nine required to become a vet - and when I had days like today, I had no idea how I had even made it this far. The only thing that kept me sane today, was the memory of last night with Brian. All day, I had I felt like I was in a dream... like I was living someone else's life. I still wasn't used to the idea that Brian and I were actually together, and that I could officially call him mine now. It was going to take me a little while to get used to being in a relationship again, after my extended hiatus.

I threw myself down onto the couch, glad to finally be able to relax after an incredibly difficult day. "Hey you!" My best friend and roommate, Emily called out to me. "Long day?" She asked, coming out from her room to greet me.

"Yeah, you could say that. I can't believe how fucking hard my classes are this semester," I complained, kicking my shoes off my throbbing feet.

"I can only imagine. Medical classes must be crazy difficult," she sympathized. "But how did it go last night with Brian?" She asked, nudging me with a grin. "I've been dying to hear!"

"Oh like you don't know already?" I asked. "I saw you looking out the window last night!" I teased.

Just as she had the night of our first date, Emily had once again spied on us through the window, after he dropped me off at home. It seemed she had developed a habit. One that didn't surprise me at all, considering how nosy and curious I had always known her to be.

She smirked in response, shrugging. "I have no clue what you could possibly be talking about. Wasn't me." She replied.

I cocked my head at her, giving her a really, bitch? look. "Well it was amazing... he finally kissed me!" I said, instantly forgetting about my bad day and smiling at the memory.

"Oh my God! How was it?" She asked, excitedly.

"The best kiss I've ever had. I really think I'm falling for him, Em." I confessed.

"I don't blame you. He's so gorgeous! It seems like he makes you really happy, too. I haven't seen you excited over a guy in... years." She said.

Emily was so supportive, and had been rooting for me ever since I had first told her about liking Brian.

"I'm so happy, it's insane. He treats me so well, Em. And speaking of dating, he asked me to be his girlfriend last night." I replied. "I remember the first day we went out, I thought there was no way this would ever work - that it could never possibly go anywhere. I used to think it was so strange to be going on dates with a... famous person - God that's still so weird to say - and I used to worry I would be too boring for him or something. But now when we're together, I don't even think about him as Brian Quinn from t.v. at all. He's just Brian. He's such a down-to-earth guy; he's so normal. I feel totally at ease being around him. It's just effortless."

"I am so happy for you! Jealous, but happy." She said, laughing. "Everything you've told me about him so far, makes him sound really great. I'm so glad you're official now, and that you're finally moving on."

"Thank you, Em. For the first time since Devon... dating someone actually feels right." I admitted, referencing my ex. "The couple guys I tried to talk to since him, I just felt nothing at all. But with Brian, when he kissed me last night - all the things they talk about in books and movies - all the things you're supposed to feel... I felt them all."

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