Chapter Six

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*According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.*


Roxanne's P.O.V.

Three weeks later

After school tonight, I stopped over at Brian's house to check on the cats and do some housework. I fed them and gave them some love, then headed off to start the wash.

Two hours of cleaning later, and I was almost done with everything. I went back to grab the clothes out of the washer, and threw the wet pile into the dryer, when I heard the creak of the laundry room door being nudged open further. I didn't bother turning around; the cats had serious separation issues. I knew they were missing their daddy, just like I was.

Only when I felt a hand wrap around my waist, then the other quickly around my mouth, cutting off my scream, did I go into full fledged panic mode. I struggled against the man holding me, as he leaned me over the washer.

"Miss me?" A very familiar voice whispered gruffly in my ear.

And just as quickly, the strong arms released me. I spun around to face him and shoved him hard, into the slatted wooden doors.

"You asshole!" I yelled. My anger faded a second later, and I immediately threw myself into him, crushing my body against his.

"Rox, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you that badly!" Brian exclaimed, throwing back his head and laughing.

"Yes, you did, you jerk!" I scolded.

I buried my face into his neck, breathing in his familiar scent, trying to calm down and return my heartbeat to normal. Not only was I about to cry, but you could even hear it in my voice. Though I was trying my absolute hardest not to, it only made the tears come more furiously. My entire body was still shaking, and within seconds, I was soaking his neck and t-shirt with hot tears.

"Whoa, babe... seriously I'm really sorry," he whispered, pulling me closer and firmly stroking one hand down my long black hair. "Don't cry; that was a jerk move. I just wanted to surprise you."

"I'm not crying because I'm scared, you goon! I'm crying because I missed you. I missed you so fucking much, Brian." I managed to choke out. "I'm so sorry that we were fighting before you left. It made me feel terrible," I sniffled. "It's all I could think about the entire time you were gone. I was so confused... I didn't know why you were so mad. I didn't know what I did. I didn't know if you even still wanted to be with me, but I was a good girl while you were gone, babe." I sobbed; I was now ugly crying, as I wrapped my arms around him even tighter. "I love you."

I felt his shoulders slump. "Oh, baby girl... I love you too," he said softly, winding a hand around my long, wavy hair. "Look at me," he commanded, gently pulling my hair back. I looked up into my boyfriends dark brown eyes, taking in every detail of his handsome face. He looked really upset, and I could tell he was wracked with guilt. "I missed you too. More than you know. You did nothing wrong and I wasn't mad at you - I promise. I just get... funny sometimes. I have issues, baby, but it had nothing to do with you, even though I know I made you feel like it did. I don't even know what the hell came over me; I feel literally horrible about the way I behaved before I left. I regret leaving on that note, so much." He said softly. "You have no idea."

"I'm sorry that I barely called or texted. We were insanely busy, and honestly... I just felt too embarrassed to even try talking to you. Embarrassed and scared. After what an asshole I was, I didn't know if you would want to hear from me. I didn't even know if I would still have a girlfriend when I got home; I was honestly shocked to see you here tonight. More than anything though, I want to apologize to you about the night before I left," he said. "Why do you think I'm home a week and a half early? I couldn't stop thinking about all of it, and I am so sorry. I can't even tell you how ashamed I am of the way I acted. I'm disgusted with myself."

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