Chapter Fourteen

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*I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke.*

-Dr. Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy

Roxanne's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning, still exhausted since I had slept like shit all night. I grabbed my phone off my nightstand to check the time; 10 a.m. I had six texts, all from Brian. Seeing his name across my phone screen, I was immediately reminded of our huge fight last night. Right as I was sure things were back to normal, of course something else had to come up. I could never just have a peaceful relationship with my boyfriend for Christ's sake. I had no idea what he would have texted for, so many times. Telling me it was over. I had to move out. He was leaving me for one of the whores he slept with while we were broken up. All kinds of horrible thoughts flashed through my mind. But finally, I just decided to bite the bullet and open his texts.

Went out with Sal and Joe to film a punishment. Sorry I didn't let you know sooner, it was last minute. Talk later? I love you.

I was going to wake you up for a kiss goodbye, but you looked too peaceful. Also, I was scared you were still mad at me. I love you.

Ps, good morning. I love you.

Also, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry about everything. I love you.

Just got to Em's to pick up Sal. She wanted me to tell you to come over when you wake up. I love you.

Murr just got here, so we're about to start. Just letting you know, in case I don't answer for a while. I love you, beautiful.

I instantly felt relief that they were nothing bad, and I couldn't help but laugh at him saying I love you six different times. I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face. Part of me wanted to be an angry, stubborn bitch and just ignore him. But the more rational part of me - the part that still remembered watching him coding in the hospital bed and holding his hand while he flatlined, prevailed. Even though I chose not to ignore him, did not mean I forgave him though. Because I definitely wasn't there yet... but I was forcing myself to be mature. I knew now - from experience, that I could never live with myself if something happened to him while we were on bad terms.

I'm still pissed... but I love you too. Please be safe. Do you want to meet me at Emily's when you're finished? Say hi to the guys for me.

I knew he probably wouldn't answer for a while; his last text was only twenty minutes before I woke up. I took a shower and quickly got ready to go to Emily's - I was eager to get out of here and see her; I needed a distraction and once again, needed to talk to her about relationship shit. I stopped and grabbed us iced coffees on the way over, hoping it would help wake me up. I let myself in and was immediately greeted by the smell of breakfast; I headed into the kitchen and saw Emily wearing a cute little apron, standing over the stove, tending to pans of food.

"Hey you," I said.

She spun around, smiling. "Hey! Coffee! Thank you, babe," she replied, gladly accepting the coffee from me. "I'm making breakfast... or maybe brunch now?"

"I'll say! You really went all out." I laughed. "What on earth are you making this much food for?"

Looking at the counters and table, there was enough food to feed an army. French toast, a giant bowl of fresh fruit, hash, toast, bagels, and on the stove still - bacon, sausage, eggs, and hash browns.

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