Chapter Twenty

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*Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Except for herpes. That shit'll come back with you.*

-Sid Garner, The Hangover

Three months later

Brian's P.O.V.

Life had been rushing by, but we were happier than ever. We were settling into our beautiful new house, Roxanne was six months pregnant, it was two weeks before the wedding, and tonight was the night of our bachelor and bachelorette parties. Everything had been great, but tonight I was beyond nervous, because I had no idea what the guys had in mind. 

I begged and pleaded with them to not go crazy. I begged for no strippers - that was just trouble. I really just wanted to maybe hit the casino, do a little gambling, and have a few drinks with my boys. I should have known that wasn't going to happen. I really didn't even care about going out though - I wished I could have skipped the entire party and just spent the night cuddled up in bed with my girlfriend. How old did I sound? What the hell had happened to me?

Not only was I stressed about my own party tonight, but I couldn't stop worrying about Roxanne. The jealous, paranoid part of me was secretly glad Roxanne was pregnant - I didn't have to worry about her getting too crazy. Hopefully anyways. She told me that she and the girls were just going to get a hotel room, have dinner, then relax in the hot tub. It did little to ease my mind though; my imagination had not stopped running wild all day. Visions of Roxanne up on a stage, chugging liquor, as a Magic Mike-esque stripper grinded on her face and tore her top off, were haunting me.


6 p.m. rolled around, and the guys were currently waiting outside to pick me up. God, please let tonight go smooth. I couldn't afford to get in any more trouble with Roxanne. We were finally in a good spot for the first time since I got back from Chicago, so I was walking on a tightrope as it is. I hurried into our room, while replying to Sal's text that I would be out in a minute - to say goodbye to Roxanne. She was sitting at her vanity, finishing her hair.

"Hey, beautiful. The guys are here." I announced. "Gimme a hug!" I pulled her chair out, taking her arm to help her up. 

I had probably been way too overbearing and protective since I found out she was pregnant - but I couldn't help it. Until she actually yelled at me and told me to quit helping her, I definitely wasn't going to. Half the time, I didn't even realize I was doing it.

She wrapped her arms around me, craning her neck to kiss me. "Be good tonight, okay?" I mumbled against her lips.

"I should be saying that to you! I'm six months pregnant!" she replied, laughing.

"First off, you barely look pregnant. Second, even if you did, there are guys who are into that, you know! Third, even if they're not, you're so hot it wouldn't even matter to them!"

"Brian," she groaned. "Get a life. I'm having dinner with my girlfriends and we're going straight back to the hotel! This is no big deal, okay? It's just me having a girls night. Nothing's going to happen - I promise."

"Okay... please call me if you need me. Don't drink anything! Not even just one, and please please be careful - that's my little girl in there."

"Are you nuts? I'm not going to drink anything!" She said laughing. "I'll be safe, I promise. Now go, have fun." She urged.

"Okay, okay," I grumbled. "Gimme a kiss." As she was kissing me, I heard a horn blare outside. "Fuck. I gotta go. Please text me later." I pleaded. "Don't forget."

IntriguedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora