Chapter Nineteen

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*I'm happy for the first time in my life and I'm not gonna feel bad about it. It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are and even longer to see that it doesn't have to be that way.*

-CuddlyWhiskers, BoJack Horseman

Roxanne's P.O.V.

Ten days later

Things had been sort of strange for the first couple of days after Brian told me that he had seen Devon in his house the night he... well that night. I had no clue what that was all about, but I just chalked it up to him having some weird dream. I had kept that picture of Devon and I in my top drawer ever since I had started staying with him; I figured it was pretty likely he had glanced at it once or twice before and not remembered - then just imagined his face in his dream. Or something. I mean, the human mind was an incredibly powerful thing, and that was a hell of a lot more likely than my ex-boyfriend appearing from the grave to usher my current boyfriend back to the land of the living, and warn him against ever trying to off himself again. I mean come on, that was just insane. I hadn't been able to get many details about that night out of Brian - and I didn't want to pry - because it seemed to upset him, but from what I had gathered, that was the gist of things. 

I had been trying to push it out of my mind and focus on positive things - like the new house, the upcoming wedding, and of course the baby. Brian (and often, Emily as well) had come with me to every ultrasound before, but this one was the most important one yet. I was three months pregnant, and today we would be finding out if we would be new parents of a little girl or a boy. There was a small chance of the technician not being able to tell this early, but she told me at my last appointment, she felt confident it would happen today. Everyone in our life had guesses about the sex, but Brian had been convinced it was a girl since day one. Whenever I would ask him what made him so sure, he would simply smile and say 'I just know.' I sat in the waiting room with Brian, anxiously clutching his hand.

"Honey, are you okay?" He asked.

"Anxious," I said quietly. "Scared. Nervous. Excited."

"Same, babe." He replied, giving me a small smile. "I think I'm mostly excited though."

I loved that Brian didn't always need to ask me to explain my feelings. A lot of the time, he just simply understood. A lot of the time, he was feeling the exact same way. Instead of questioning me, he used his free hand to brush my hair back, and gently pull my face to his, kissing me softly.

"I'm here, sweetie." He told me simply.

"I know. You're always there for me. I can't thank you enough for that, handsome. I wouldn't be able to do this without you," I said, as I rubbed his arms. "I couldn't even imagine."

"Well you won't ever have to. I would never let that happen."

I didn't want to jinx anything, but I seriously couldn't believe how amazing Brian had been during the pregnancy so far. He was the most loving, caring father-to-be, any woman could ever wish for. As soon as he had gotten over his initial fear that first night, he had been a total sweetheart, and my biggest supporter. He did legitimately everything for me, hardly letting me even take care of my own basic needs anymore - not wanting me to strain or stress myself out. He dealt with all my raging hormones and emotions with ease and saw to every one of my pregnancy cravings. He treated me like a Queen.

Just then, we were called back. The ultrasound technician, who insisted we call her by her first name - Mariah, greeted us and ushered us into the room. "Today's the big day!" She announced. "Are you ready to find out what you're having?" 

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