Chapter Twenty-Six

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*Look around you. Appreciate what you have. Nothing will be the same in a year.*


Brian's P.O.V.

I shot up in bed, sweating and crying. I had just woken up from a horrible nightmare that seemed all too real. My eyes darted quickly around the room, the fluorescent lights blinding me. I squinted, blinking slowly to get my eyes used to the brightness. I finally opened them enough to see Sal sitting next to me. I took a deep breath, exhaling slowly and trying to finish coming to terms with reality. Once I was convinced I was alright, and that my dream was just that - a dream, I managed to slow my breathing and calm down. 

"Hey bud! You're awake!" Sal exclaimed, quickly coming over to the side of my bed. "Thought you were gonna sleep forever!" What happened last night? I couldn't remember shit. My head felt like someone had put an ice pick through it. "I'm so glad to see your eyes open." He continued. He pulled his chair closer to my bed and sat again. "How are you doing? How do you feel?" He asked, looking at me eagerly. 

"My head is killing me." I finally replied, groggily. "I feel... confused. Out of it... you know?" I said slowly.

"I can only imagine. That's just going to take time." He said. "I'm just happy you're awake." 

I looked around the room, taking in the white walls, the monitors, the attached bathroom. I looked out the window, with a view of surrounding buildings. I'm in the hospital. The dream I had - was it real after all? I hoped not. But really, anything was possible. I had absolutely no idea what was going on.

"Are you having trouble remembering?" Sal asked softly. "The doctors said you might."

I nodded. "I think so..." I replied.

"You're in the hospital. Do you remember that?" He asked.

I just shook my head, confused. "Was I in an... accident? Did I hit my head? Is that why I can't remember anything?" 

I had forgotten the majority of my dream a few seconds after waking up, like I normally did, but I did vaguely remember a hospital. Roxanne was there too. Her and I in the hospital. 

"Yeah... you were in a car accident last night. Thank God we had Kira." Sal answered me.

I shook my head, still not understanding everything. "Sal... I don't remember. Tell me everything." I couldn't remember how the accident had happened.

"Um, okay. You and Roxanne were leaving our house last night, you were on your way home, and someone rear-ended you guys. I guess he was drunk or something, that's why he was going so fast, and not paying attention." He replied.

"Holy shit," I mumbled. 

I was stunned. More so that I couldn't even remember it. Probably for the best, though. Who wants those memories? I immediately thought of Kira, and I couldn't even believe how glad I was that she had been with Sal and Emily. Having an accident was always shitty, and I imagined that Roxanne would probably be in the market for a new vehicle, but at least we had a stroke of luck concerning our daughter. The three of us were okay - that was all that mattered. But wait... were we? Suddenly, Roxanne flashed through my mind, and I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of her sooner - although I had woken up incredibly confused. I realized that I didn't even know if she was okay. In the dream I'd just had, she was hurt.

"Where is she? Roxanne. What room is she in? I need to go see her - now." I demanded, looking back to Sal.

"Her room is down the hall." He replied. "Emily's been with her the entire time. Right until she went into surgery. She just got out a half hour ago, so I think they want her to stay in recovery a full hour before they let anyone in."

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