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It was very awkward at dinner that night. Nobody had the confidence to break the silence. Mother and father were sitting at the ends of the table looking at each other. Mother hadn't looked at me once that night and it was starting to get annoying.

"So....how was work?" I questioned trying to fill the silence with what I hoped would be an easy topic.

"It was fine," was my mother's short response. I hung my head and looked at my plate. 

"Do we have to go to school tomorrow?" Jane questioned. Father gave her a look which made her look back at her plate. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Nobody was making a move to get up and get it, so I got up and opened the door.

"Hello." Conner greeted. I smiled at him before looking behind me.

"Thank god you're here. The silence is killing me." I whined.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart, but I'm not here to eat. I actually have to talk to Cody about something. Do you mind going and getting him?" I shook my head and walked back to the dining room.

"Cody, Conner is here to see you. He's still at the door." He nodded and got up leaving the room to be in silence once again.

"So dad, did you get any new or exciting cases today?" I asked, once again trying to break the silence. He slammed his fork down on his plate and glared at me.

"Just shut up Erika! Stop trying to make this better for yourself!" He yelled. I flinched but nodded before looking back down at my plate. It went back to being silent before Cody walked in and glared at me.

"Stand up, Erika!" He ordered. I quickly did what he said. I was too confused to even question it.

"What's going on?" Father questioned looking between us.

"Lift up your shirt!" He ordered. My eyes widened in realization. It all made sense. Me showing Conner, and then him showing up saying he needed to talk to Cody.

"Cody! What is going on with you?" Father yelled standing up, roughly pushing his chair behind him. I slowly lifted my shirt up until it reached under my boobs. Everyone gasped, but no one said anything.

"Erika?" Someone whispered. I looked up to see Jane standing in front of me with tears rolling down her face.

"What the hell happened?" Father asked.

"See that's the thing father, she won't tell anyone. I didn't even find out from her!" Cody yelled. I felt my heart drop as I saw his disappointed eyes.

"Who did you find it out from then?" Mother whispered.

"Conner. Apparently, they have secretly been seeing each other. He just told me today!" He yelled. 

"It wasn't like that!" I yelled when I saw the disapproving looks from everyone. "We kissed a couple of times! We weren't dating!" I yelled. "He never asked me!" I added.

"I thought you knew better. You never kiss anyone unless you are dating them! God damn, Erika! Do you realize how stupid you sound right now?"Cody questioned. I nodded and looked at the ground, as tears started to fill my eyes.

"Go to your room!" Father yelled. I quickly sprinted up the stairs, two at a time. When I reached my room, I locked the door as I slid down it. I felt my breathing quicken and the tears started to fall at a faster rate. It wasn't long before everything went dark.

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