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"Please don't? I'll do everyone's homework for the rest of the year." I pleaded. She just smirked as Jonathon started to walk over. I closed my eyes as I embraced myself for the pain, but it never came.

I opened my eyes to see Conner standing in front of Jonathon with a deadly look in his eyes.

Now back on to the story!

"What the hell do you think you are doing?!" Conner yelled grabbing Jonathon's fist and twisting his arm.

"Leave it, man. This has nothing to do with you." He replied rolling his eyes.

"Actually, this has everything to do with me. You see, Erika means something to me and I am not just going to sit back and let you hit her. Hell, I'm not going to let you hit anyone." I was surprised by how calm Conner was sounding. I was still shaking against the locker with tears rolling down my eyes. Veronica and her little posey were watching with wide eyes. 

"Why do you care so much about Erika? She isn't anything important. She's just a slut who lies and gets people put in jail." He looked away from Conner and towards me with anger and darkness in his eyes. 

"Don't even fucking look at her!" Conner yelled, noticing Jonathon's change in direction. Jonathon's eyes flicked back to look at him. "Now, Jonathon, you are going to take your little slut and her friends and leave Erika alone. Is that clear?" I saw him gulp before nodding.  Veronica and the others followed him as he ran down the hall. I was finally able to breathe. With him gone, I was going to be able to go to class without having to worry about anything. 

"Thank you," I whispered. I, for some reason, couldn't bring myself to look at him. I didn't know why, but it was like I was afraid to look him in the eyes and see what they held. 

"Erika, why aren't you looking at me?" He asked, lifting my chin up with his finger. My eyes drifted upwards to his. The dark orbs held so much passion I felt my heart stop. They flickered down to my lips before meeting my eyes again. I didn't know what I was thinking, but I captured his lips in mine. 

I kissed in the middle of a busy school hallway, and for once I didn't think about the consequences. All I could think about was the boy who I was kissing.


I know I just started this book, but I'm thinking about deleting it. I haven't really been updating and I feel like everyone hates it. Please tell me if I should or not.

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