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Conner's P.O.V.

When we got the news that Adam was gone, I had actually allowed myself to believe that everything was going to be okay. And then we got the news that Erika was in the hospital suffering from bleeding in the brain. Even though I hadn't known her for long, I felt connected to her somehow. I had never felt like it before and at first, it scared me, but as time went on I felt like I needed to protect her and be there for her. 

The first day I kissed her was the day I realized how in love with her I was. It hadn't even been a week and I realized that I didn't want anybody else in my life. I felt terrible knowing Cody was doing something incredible for me and there I was kissing his baby sister, but as soon as our lips touched all that went away.

But then Adam showed back up and ruined everything. I didn't even know if she was going to survive and that scared me more than anything had before. I didn't know if I was going to be able to see her smile, laugh, or if I was going to be able to kiss her again.

As soon as she was out of surgery, I was right by her side. Even though I could hear the machine beeping, saying her heart was beating and that she was breathing, it didn't help take any of the stress away. Just the thought of losing someone so important to me again, had me wanting to rip my hair out. 

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to the house? Maybe take a shower and eat something?"Mrs. Heart asked. It had been a week since she had gone into the coma, and I had only gone back once. I could tell it was hard on everyone else, but I couldn't understand how they could just leave. What if something happened while we were gone?

"No thanks," I muttered. She opened her mouth like she wanted to say something, but she immediately closed it again. Her and Mr. Heart walked out, leaving me alone with Erika. Cody and Jane were at school. Their parents didn't want them to miss out on their educations, but since they weren't my parents they couldn't really tell me to go to school. The only thing they could tell me was that they didn't want me to be around their daughter. 

"Can you please hurry and wake up?" I whispered into her ear. All of a sudden, I felt her hand twitch. The movement had me shooting my head up to look at her. Nothing else had changed, but I knew I wasn't making it up. She had moved her hand. 

The machine's beeping started going faster and her eyes started fluttering under her closed lids. The nurses and doctors ran into the room, kicking me out on their way. My eyes widened and my heart dropped as the machine let out one last beep.

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