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Erika's P.O.V.

There he was. Standing in front of me acting like he wasn't the cause for all my nightmares. It was like he didn't care he caused me so much damage. With his stupid little smirk and the way his eyes looked me up and down. I thought he was gone forever and I would never have to see him again. 

"Did you miss me, mon amour?" Adam teasingly questioned. He took a step towards me, making my heart race. But not in the way it used to when I thought he was the best thing to ever happen to me. No, this time it was racing out of fear. Fear of what he was going to do. Fear of knowing there wasn't much I could do to get away this time.

"How are you here?" I asked. The last time I asked about him, my father said he was serving a sentence for at least 20 years. His smirk only widened at my question.

"Ah. Well, you see, charmante, the cops decided that I was doing well enough to be released. However, it wasn't just that. My friend Charlie was going to bail me out, but of course, that was not needed so we used the money to hire someone to follow you. Do you have any idea how disappointed I was to see you had returned to being a slut?" His eyes darkened and his posture stiffened.

"W-what....um...what do you mean?" I heard my voice become quieter, but I was terrified and I couldn't help it.

"The person I hired to follow you caught you with that boy! You little salope!" He yelled. He walked the few feet towards me and grabbed me. I could only pray it wasn't going to be long before he got bored and left me with my thoughts.

Conner's P.O.V.

It had been a full day and there still wasn't any trace of her. I was growing more and more frustrated by the second. I had never felt this way about anyone before, and the fact that I felt that way about someone I barely knew was crazy. I had barely known her for a couple of months and I was acting like I was in love with her.

Just the thought of someone doing anything to harm her made me feel a wave of anger I had only felt when my mother was killed. The feeling was overwhelming and made me want to hit something until I could no longer hit it.

"Mrs. Heart! We found something!" An officer yelled running into the house. "We traced her phone to a house in Boulder! We already have some officers on their way." I can't even begin to describe the happiness and joy I felt when I heard what he said. 

"Do you know who owns the house?" Mr. Heart interrogated. 

"Someone by the name of Charlie Anderson." The look on Cody's face made my blood boil.

"Did you say, Charlie Anderson?" When the officer nodded Cody turned around and punched the wall.

"Cody, what is going on?" His mom questioned with wide eyes.

"Do you not recognize the freaking name?! Charlie Anderson! Jane's freaking boyfriend!" He yelled. Jane, who was silent until this moment, abruptly stood up and walked over to the officer.

"Are you positive you got the correct name and address? Charlie would never do something like this?" She asked.

"Of course I am positive. But I am going to need some information about your boyfriend. Do you know why he would want to hurt your sister?" Jane shook her head and he continued on with questions. "Has someone done something to her before? Maybe there's a connection." 

"Her ex-boyfriend. Adam Johnson." I replied. Mr. and Mrs. Heart turned to look at me with surprise. I guess they didn't know that I had found about Adam.

The police officer nodded before turning and saying something into his radio. "They are at the house now. I'll keep you updated."

Erika's P.O.V.

It had been a while since Adam had left when I heard the door open once again. I kept my eyes closed, praying that if he thought I was sleeping he would leave me alone. That prayer was not answered as someone shook me awake.

I slowly opened my eyes to see a person in front of me I had never seen before. He looked like he was younger than both Adam and me.

"Don't scream and don't say a word. They left which means we only have a small amount of time." He said. I nodded and slowly got up with the help of this random person.

As we walked out of the house, I was finally able to see my surroundings. I didn't recognize the street or any of the buildings nearby. "I don't know why they brought you to Boulder, but they did." The boy whispered.

As we walked down the street, I heard a car pull into the driveway we had just left. Adam quickly got out and noticed us. His eyes turned dark as he started to run towards us. We tried to run away, but I was hurt and he didn't have enough strength to carry me.

"Did you really think you could just escape?" Adam growled grabbing my arm and yanking me towards him. "What the hell, Cole? I thought you were on our side?" Before he could get another word out, a police officer ran out of a bush and pointed a gun towards Adam.

"Let the lady go." He ordered. Adam chuckled evilly before pointing a gun against my head. My eyes widened. 

"How about you drop your gun and let us be?" Suddenly, I heard a gun go off and I hit the ground. 

I am so sorry this chapter sucked so much. I had no idea what to write.

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