Chapter 1

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I thank those who are reading this story, I just hought I'd put a note up here at the start rather then at the end that I am rewriting this story in a bit more detail and hopefully a better description of the characters and their family homes and some places 😴 it's tiring but in already 14 chapters done so I hope to get that one uploaded sone and this one may or maynot be taken down

"We have to do something about this or both of our companys will fail" Li Baotian said

"Well what do you suggest Brother Li. The only possible way is to...." Kong Aixian was saying

"join our companies together" Baotian said, "marry our kids and join them into a stronger company, stronger then a partnership"

Kong Aixian stares at him for a few moments before speaking in hesitation "we only have sons, how do we propose they marry each other, my boy is not into other far as i'm aware and even if he agreed his mother would object"

"brother Kong, only we have to know who they are marrying, by the time anyone would know it could be to late, Sister kong and my lovely wife do not know each others families" Li baotian said with a mischievous smile

"Are you suggesting we do this in secret, what if the boys don't agree" Kong says with a concerned look on his face

"no one says they need to know till after the wedding" Li takes a sip of his tea "A blind marriage, we explain to our sons how we need them to marry the other ones child to combine the buisnesses, and to make things easier and sure this will go through they are not to meet till after the wedding"

"after the wedding?" a confused look crossing his face

"yes after the wedding, on the day of the wedding they will be blindfolded and instructed to only nod into there answers and we will help get their registered, after the marriage is clarified and there isn't a chance of them turning, then they can meet each other"

Kong Aixian was listening contently to the conversation, thinking of the possible outcomes, altough he wasn't overly sure about marrying his not just only son but only child to another man, but considering the companies position he extended his hand out to Li Baotian "fine I agree"

after their long chat and arranging the marriage and setup they both bid each other fair well with more ease on their shoulders as they discussed how things where to be done.

Li household

Li Baotian arrives home, he's tired but needed to talk to his youngest of sons, heading straight up to the boys room only to find it empty, he stormed off back down the stairs to the living room where his beloved wife sat, "Where is he, where has Shuanghui gone this time"

mother Li looks at her husband "he went out a few hours ago, he said he will be back late, what is the matter dear"

Li Baotian frowned "I need to speak to him, send him to me the moment you see him, if he doesn't come then take that damn bike of his away" he demanded before walking of to his study

Kong household

Kong Mengrui was lay on his bed reading a book when his father knocked on the door, his eyes drifted over before he spoke "come in" he says before closing the book in his hands

Kong Aixian walks in shutting the door behind him "Manrui I ...the company needs your help, do you think you can give me a hand"

Mengrui sighs and sits up looking at his fathers worried expression "what is it this time? did you loose something? I can't fix every problem you have"

"this one you can fix, only you can do it, I promise" Kong says

Mengrui narrow his eyes slightly as he stares at his father "what is it, your expression and tone says its something not easy and you are uncertain of it"

Kong stutters a little in his speech " it's not hard, I'm just not sure that coming to my young son for help all the time but this time I really need your help, but you can't tell your mother about this either"

Mengrui clicked his fingers and grinned "so thats what the problem is, you are hiding something from Ma again. What do you need me to do, then I'll decide on telling ma or not, if you don't tell me, I'll tell her you are hiding something anyways then you won't have it easy anyways because ma sure wont let you rest without knowing"

Kong Aixian froze for a moment before complaining a little "you are to smart for your own good"

Mengrui opened his mouth in the attempt to call for his mother "mmm"

Kong quickly takes a step forward covering Mengrui's mouth "I need you to marry a colleague child so we can combine our companys or both will become bankrupt" he quickly said with a shaky voice

Mengrui pushed his fathers hand away he frowned but understood the meaning of this and that if he didn't his mum would be more angry if the company was lost more then him getting married, he sighed and leaned back a bit "who...who do I have to marry?"

"I can't tell you till after the wedding"


Kongs eyes opened wide from the sudden raised voice "keep it down"

"you just expect me to marry someone I know nothing about are you insane"

"don't be so rude to you father, I'm not insane, and don't think about doing it for me but for the company your mother loves"

Mengrui points to the door "get out, before I do tell mother about this, I need time alone"

Kong ignored the disrespectful behaviour and said good night to his son, knowing this wasnt simple news to take in.

Li Household

It was coming up for midnight and shuanghui had still not reterned, Baotian was getting really impatient with this reckless child of his.

he thought about the company but also that if he did this maybe it would control his son a bit more, he tapped his fingers on his desk checking the company ratings.

A few moments later his patience has run dry, just as he was about to get up out of his seat his office door swung open,  a tall man in leather biker pants and jacket walks in shutting the door "you want me?" the deep voice says.

Li Baotian dragged his nails across the table and into a fist, "shut the door and sit down he demanded"

Shuanghui did just that, swung the door shut and sat on the chair infront of his fathers desk

"you are gettig married in a week" Li said his voice full of rage for how long his son had taken to get here

a moment of silence after those words where spoken before a sudden burst of laughter from shuanghui "you have really lost it laotou, such a good joke"

"i'm not joking and you dont get a choice in this, in 1 week you are getting married, thats final now get out.....oh and your bike is gone, you are not to touch it, if you do you can watch me smash it with my own hands"

Shuanghui face frowned with anger, he got up pushing the chair out of the way knocking it back onto the floor, he stormed out of the office slamming the door behind him and up to his room, Mother Li watched as her angry son storms off and looked towards the office, she shook her head. "not getting involved in this" she mumbles to herself

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