Chapter 24

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Mengrui blinked at the text before responding

I guess we can meet... see you soon

he scratched his head and put the phone in the small side table

"who was that" Dong asked curiously, how's Ma doing

Mengrui smiled, "shes fine...i think" he said quietly "it was Kaihan ge that texted"

Dong though for a moment "Kaihan?" he said to himself

"Shuanghui gege"

Dong face went expressionless "oh...why's he texting"

Mengrui frowned slightly "he hasn't done anything wrong, he was just asking to meet since they are coming back to the city for christmas.... it doesn't really matter"

Dong nodded "ah christmas is next week, You decorated?"

Mengrui sighed his expression saddened "Ma usually does....but... no we haven't decorated yet"

Dong face sunk "sorry... why dont we decorate for her so she has a surprise when she comes home" he said in the attempt to cheer Mengrui up

Mengrui nodded, he still looked upset but at least he knew his ma was going to be home for Christmas

Christmas eve had came and Mengrui was in his house with Dong, waiting patiently

When the door opened his mother walked in, She smiled at the decorated house as Mengrui and Dong happily said out "Surprise Ma" together

Kong Meirong smiled kindly at them "thank you boys, you did a great job" Kong Aixian smiled and mouthed tank you to them before helping his wife to the couch

Dong said goodbye after welcoming Meirong home since he had to go back home, Mengrui smiled and sat by his Ma "I ordered your favourite food, Since I'm not as good as a cook as you"

Meirong smiled at her son and hugged him "thank you my son"

Kong Aixian was making tea when the door went so Mengrui answered it, as soon as he answered his head was covered and he was picked up and carried, Mengrui struggled and tried to scream but couldn't get free, and was soon put in a car his hands where lightly tied and he was belted in

"Target captured" a cheerful voice spoke but he couldn't tell who since they shut the door, he was slightly panicking in the car trying to get free

The other person that was there took in the meal that had arrived moments before and placed it on the table before walking over to Kong Meirong "Ayi" he said slightly bowing his head to her

Meirong looked at him confused "Xiao Li twin? which one?" she softly smiled "i'm sorry I can't tell you both apart

Juanshou laughed a bit "Juanshou Ayi, we would like to invite you for christmas dinner tomorrow, our mother is a great cook and we wouldnt want you over working yourself, so would you kindly join us, you and Lao Kong"

Kong Meirong smiled kindly "I think that would be lovely but I'm not sure about if Mengrui would like that"

Juanshou smiled and nodded "Ayi, I have this very mischievous Didi that has just kidnapped your son and plans on bringing him to dinner tomorrow along with out didi, which is why I am here so you do not have to worry, I thought it would be best to explain it to you then to post a note through the door like Kaihan had planned"

Kong Aixian put the tea down infront of Meirong "wheres Mengrui"

Meirong chuckled softly "Okai, but please take care of him, and what about Xing"

Juanshou smiled "I can take Xing with us if you want"

Meirong nodded "please do, my son panicks without Xing"

Juanshou nodded kindly "sure thing Ayi, your food is on the table, I'm sorry for the disturbance" after that he went and got Xings food and Xing taking them to the car putting Xing in Mengrui's lap, this somewhat panicked Mengrui more since his dog was here means they went inside and made him worry about his parents

Kaihan and Juanshou didn't say a word as they drove the car, They drove to an apartment where Tang was stood outside waiting

"hurry up, he doesn't stay knocked out forever" Tang said as Kaihan got out

Kaihan laughed a little "shh or he will know its us" and opened the door, Xing was barking a little but jumped of the car and Kaihan pulled Mengrui out carrying him inside, Juanshou shook his head not believing he actually agreed to help with this plan

Kaihan had put Mengrui on a bed in a room, Mengrui was still stuggling in the ties "let me go" he kept screaming

Kaihan and Tang left locking the door and making sure all the windows where locked up so they couldn't leave and quickly got in the car

Tang leaned back in his seat "mission accomplished"

Kaihan laughed and looked at Tang "He's going to kill you when we get them tomorrow"

Juanshou looked at them both "why did I let you guys talk me into this"

Tang smirked "it'll be good for them, after you left thry haven't spent a single day together, seriously though, they are still married"

Juanshou sighed and drove off "and thats why I fell for this stupid idea"

An hour had passed and Mengrui slightly calmed down with Xing curled up next to him, he didn't hear any movement so he didn't think of any danger was around right now

Shuanghui put his hand on his head and groaned "that basterd" he opened his eyes and looked around as he got up "TANG!!" he shouted as he opened the bedroom that he was in and shot down the stairs, the house was practically empty, except for a couch facing a small TV and a table big enough for 2 people

Shuanghui tried the front door but kicked it since it was locked, Xing barked hearing the noises, and his front paws where on mengrui as he kept barking at the door, "shh Xing" he said trying to calm his puppy down

Shuanghui heard the barking and went to the sound, he opened the door to see Mengrui tied up with his head covered, he stared slightly in shock

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