Chapter 23

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Shuanghui quietly ate the food he was given, then before Meirong could stop hin he got up and washed up

Kong Meirong smiled "you're a very clean person dispite your look"

Shuanghui sniled lightly, he knew his look never gave anyone a good impression of him, but he didn't really care "Ayi, did Mengrui leave my phone"

she thought for a moment then shoot her head "I don't think so"

he nodded and looked at his watch and froze for a moment "did he go to school?"

Kong Meirong nodded, before she could tell him that he had a phonr call Shuanghui had said goodbye and left, she eatched the hurried young man "whats with the rush"

Shuanghui pulled up outside the school shortly after leaving Mengrui's house, and headed into the school, He asked someone where Mengrui's class was and headed over, he looked through the glass of the door to see if he could spot Mengrui before knocking

The teacher looked at the door and instructed a student to keep reading and opened it, he looked at the tall tired looking man that looked a little rushed and panicked "Can I help you"

Shuanghui let out a breath to ease himself "Can I get something important from Kong Mengrui"

Mengrui had looked up hearing the voice, he quietly mumbled to himself "what's he doing here"

Dong looked over at Mengrui "he stays at your house now coming to school, what did you do?"

Mengrui nudged Dong and got up as the teacher called him over

Shuanghui held out his hand "Phone?"

Mengrui eyes widened abd pushed Shuanghui out the classroom passing the phone to Shuanghui "your brothers called"

Shuanghui frowned "so I missed that already"

Mengrui nodded lightly "they told me not to wake you, they even asked twice to clarify that you was asleep in bed, why?"

Shuanghui shook his head "it doesn't matter, Cya" waved his hand to Mengrui and walked off

Mengrui blinked and went back to class, most of all the class stared at him and Dongs face was furious, Mengrui sighed and went back to his seat

After school was over Dog punched Mengrui's arm "why did he come?"

Mengrui laughed "I forgot to leave his phone with Ma so he came to get it, he was proberly worried since he was suppose to see his brothers before they left"

Dong frowned "why do you know so much"

Mengrui shook his head "I don't they called this morning and told me"

After Mengrui and Dong had gotten to Mengrui's house, they saw Kong Aixian at the door "Pa" Mengrui said with a smile "Ma letting you back home"

Kong Aixian smiled at his son "yes, there is still something else that needs sorting aside from the company"

Mengrui smiled and followed his Pa inside Dong followed closely behing "what else needs sorting, you handed it over to me, and Loa Li can't gamble using our company or his own"

Kong held out some documents "your marriage, these are the divorce papers, Li Baotian passed them to me with an apology"

Mengrui looked at it "oh....that" he shrugged and went to go find Xing, "Xiao Xing" He smiled running over to his puppy picking him up

Dig smiled and followed after Mengrui "you can finally get rid of that man once and for all"

Mengrui seemed to ignore this and petted Xing quietly


A few weeks had passed and it was like everything went back to normal, Shuanghui and Mengrui hadnt spoken since, the only thing different was the unsigned divorce documents that Mengrui's father would occasionally mention just incase he'd forgotten

Mengrui would just look at his father with a dark glare with the same response "this is your fault and currently my studies are more important" before he'd get up and leave

Shuanghui had often thought about ringing Mengrui but had always decidrd not to dispite Tang's insistence, so as for when he replied Tang would happly say "are you afraid of him divorcing you" but only to be followed with a hard punch to the chest

Tang holding his arm across his chest as he laughed "Ay by the way, I got a present for you"

Shuanghui stared at him "what present, I don't think you can top the motorbike you gave me, besides I don't need anything else"

Tang stood upright after the pain faded "a secret you'll find out at Christmas"

Shuanghui shook his head "i'm working, go back"

Tang shrugged "you're working for me, I won't deduct your pay because I'm distracting you"

Shuanghui waved his fist at Tang "I'll break something"

Tang laughed "I'll see you at Christmas, I'm putting you on holiday after today so rest" he then walked out


Mengrui was at Dong's house since his Ma was in hospital for his check ups, she had to stay in for a few days since they wanted to keep her monitored since the condition was getting worse

He had Xing with him spending most of his time in Dong's room hiding away from ShuYing, he looked at his phone every once in a while as he played mahjong with Dong which wasn't much of a challenge

Dong wasn't rich but he wasn't poor either, he lived in a small 3 bedroom house with his parents and younger sister, all sharing 1 bathroom, which agitated Dong if his sister got in there first since she'd take at least an hour if not longer to get ready, always with "leave me alone i gotta make sure I look pretty for Mengrui"

Mengrui was use to havig his own bathroom, and own bedroom, he enjoyed this atmosphere and closeness of this loving family but wished he was home.... but he hated being alone more then these conditions

Mengrui's phone beeped, he looked at the message he just received

Hey Xiao Kong

Me and gege are coming down to the city for christmas, want to meet up Didi, I'll introduce you to my wife, gege is bringing his kids with him

see you soon from ya gege Kaihan

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